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22.5 Ending Vietnam.

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Presentation on theme: "22.5 Ending Vietnam."— Presentation transcript:

1 22.5 Ending Vietnam

2 An unpopular War Nixon and his advisor Henry Kissinger wanted “Vietnamization” Make the South Vietnamese take over the fight But non-stop bomb the North Vietnamese too Nixon thought the “silent majority” of Americans agreed with him

3 An unpopular War The My Lai massacre (over 200 innocents brutally murdered by us) infuriated Americans Nixon began bombing Laos & Cambodia too His April 1970 announcement that we invaded those countries set college student to protest

4 An Unpopular War

5 An unpopular War May 4, 1970 Kent State University
Nat. Guard was there to handle rioting/protesting students Follow up days Jackson State

6 An unpopular War Bombings of Laos & Cambodia also convinced Congress to take away the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution The Pentagon Papers, leaked to the NY Times, showed Americans that their govt. wasn’t fully honest about the war Johnson’s game plans before the war even got cookin’

7 The end at last Nixon tried to secure peace before his re-election… …Despite the fact he continued to bomb the North After more bombing (known as…?), he signed a peace agreement in Jan 1973 We pulled out in March 1973, they fought until 1975 when the South surrendered to the North

8 The end at last 58,000 Americans killed, 303,000 wounded
Over 2 million total Vietnamese dead Our main concern as Americans was our death toll, not their dead Many vets came home to no warm welcome Americans weren’t proud of this war…

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