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Smart IT Job Advisor and Analysis on web application

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1 Smart IT Job Advisor and Analysis on web application
Advisor Dr.Udom Silparcha Co-advisor Dr. Bunthit Watanapa Presented by Parkpoom Klumsoom ID: Anirut Kantasa-ard ID: Santi Techakasemsuk ID:

2 Introduction There are many careers in society but we don't have software to make decisions for appropriate career especially in IT jobs. Some people do their job which they don’t like it then they may not a professional in those job. We will do this software in pattern of the web-application to make decision the people know what is an appropriate careers.

3 Problem statement There are many people discover that they have chosen the wrong IT field of work. They unlike the activities and the actual content of the job. There are many IT students not wisely choosing their IT careers. This problem happens in many schools worldwide and already becomes normal for many students. Nowadays, there is no IT field career test yet.

4 Problem statement On the internet, there are many career tests that have no proven accuracy.  Because the tests are very inaccurate (less than 60% accurate), they can lead you to choose the wrong career! Although there are some websites that have high accuracy, but you have to pay for taking career test online.

5 Fish Bone Diagram

6 Problem solution We found out that there is no IT field career test yet. So we are going to make the IT job matching website. We are going to solve this problem by conduct three surveys; document, website and interview. We found out that you have to pay for taking career test online that have high accuracy. We are going to solve this problem by make it for free.

7 Objective Main goals To help the people who are unhappy with the IT field they are in and want to find a better one. To help students who want to work in IT field but don’t know which one to choose. Sub goals To tell the characteristic, attitude of the people who take the career test. To tell the advantage and disadvantage of the people who take the career test.

8 Related Research and Projects

9 Related Research and Projects

10 Requirement This system is a web-base application that provide the following output for all users. This system has the database to keep the user’s information and job’s information. We use the decision tree algorithm to analyze and classify the appropriate IT career following the characteristic of each person. This system will provide GUI interface to the users. The scope of this system will cover details of the popular IT careers in the globalization such as, IT supporter, Networking engineer, Programmer and etc.

11 Requirement(cont.) Our group will keep the career’s data from many sources such as, interviewing in IT companies, making a survey to student both inside and outside school, searching from the website that relate with our project and asking from the teacher who is a professional in the Psychology of Guidance career. We will use the Weka application to classify the characteristic of the people that appropriate for the career or not. This system will show the result in the part of comparison graph or model. It will show around 3-4 jobs that appropriate for you by calculating in the part of percentage and text. It will explain you in each job clearly and help you to make better decision.

12 Implementation Task duration

13 Implementation Implementation Plan
This plan will describe about the implementation plan of our project. There are three main points those consist of how to collect data, analysis data and application tool that use in this project following as below. Collect data Document, web-site, interviewing Analysis data Decision Tree (C4.5 algorithm) Application Tools MySQL, PHP, Macromedia Dreamweaver , Weka application, Java

14 Implementation Website Database Convert in csv file Process in Weka
Show result Process in Weka

15 Implementation Expectation
Our system will help the people to make decision better in IT careers Our system has good benefits for everyone who would like to know more about IT careers in the present time. Our system will analyze each user who would like to do IT careers from their characteristic accurately. Our system will be helpful for students who study in IT fields but don’t know the detail of each career in IT parts.

16 CD containing source code Documentation
Deliverable CD containing source code Documentation

17 Evaluation We will keep the system to evaluate by our target group and see the result from the people who test on our system. Moreover, we will add some discussions from the professional of the Psychology and the people who has an occupation in IT parts.

18 Thank you

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