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The several loses marked a stalemate situation by the end of 1914.

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1 The several loses marked a stalemate situation by the end of 1914.
Western Front The several loses marked a stalemate situation by the end of 1914.

2 1915: stalemate The position in which neither of them could win continued in the Western Front. Several attempts were made to break the situation, but they all failed. British at Neuve Chapelle and Loos French unsuccessful offensive in Champagne Germans back from Ypres The use of poison gas affected both sides trenches

3 1916: Verdun and the Somme The two key battles of 1916
Both failed to achieve their aims and both were horrific in terms of loss of life. Verdun It was launched in February. Germany launched a massive attack. Somme It was a series of attacks led by the British It began in July 1916 and lasted through November. Its aim was to take the pressure off the French at Verdun First time tanks were used.

4 1917: the USA joins the war During the 1917, the French and the British continued offensive actions, with no major results: The Battle of Arras The Battle of the Aisne The third Battle of Ypres Only the Battle of Cambrai was a little successful USA entered the war in 1917 as a result of the attacks on American ships by German submarines At the end of the year The French army was recovering The Bolshevik revolution succeed in Russia An armistice was signed by Bolsheviks and Germans.

5 1918: victory for the Allies
Work in groups to determine the events that led to the victory of the Allies. Homework: Read pages 45 – 48 up to war in the colonial territories and make an outline of the main ideas of the reading

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