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WWI Review GAME.

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Presentation on theme: "WWI Review GAME."— Presentation transcript:

1 WWI Review GAME

2 The First Modern Olympic Games were held where?

3 Athens

4 This Swedish Inventor Set up the Noble Peace Prize

5 Alfred Noble

6 This means opposition to all war

7 Pacifism

8 This country surpassed the industrial success of Britain and proved to be threatening to world domination

9 Germany

10 This means pride in one’s country

11 Nationalism

12 This country sponsored a powerful form of nationalism called Pan- Slavism

13 Russia

14 This means glorification of the military

15 Militarism

16 The Triple Entente included what 3 counties?

17 Russia, France, and Britain

18 The war began with the assassination of this archduke

19 Franz Ferdinand

20 The first to declare war was this country

21 Austria-Hungary

22 Members of this terrorist organization vowed to take action against the arrival of Ferdinand

23 The Black Hand

24 This member of the Black Hand is credited as firing the fatal shots that killed the Archduke and his wife, Sophie

25 Princip

26 WWI is often referred to as ..

27 The Great War

28 This country suffered the most casualties which ultimately leads them to a revolution

29 Russia

30 This is a deadlock which neither side is able to become victorious

31 Stalemate

32 What am i?

33 Zeppelin

34 What am i?

35 U-boat

36 What am i?

37 Convoy

38 This means the channeling of the nations entire resources

39 Total War

40 Another word for the draft

41 Conscription

42 This country experienced food shortages and women were forced to produce agriculture

43 Britain

44 The U.S. declared war in what year?

45 1917

46 Name one reason for the U.S. to enter the war

47 Unrestricted warfare killed Americans
Zimmerman note

48 The Zimmerman note was intercepted by what country?

49 Britain

50 This is the spreading of ideas to promote a cause or to damage or to damage an opposing cause

51 Propaganda

52 WWI officially ended on what date and year?

53 November 11, 1918

54 This is the spread of a deadly disease across the world

55 Pandemic

56 This disease caused more deaths than the actual war

57 Influenza

58 War reparations were demanded from what country?

59 Germany

60 World-wide peace talks took place in what country?

61 France

62 This Treaty marked the end of the war and a resolution

63 Treaty of Versailles


65 At it’s highest point, the League of Nations had ____ membering nations

66 58

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