Welcome to “High Expectations and Accountability” with Rebecca Friedman Please refer to page 1 of your packet to answer the following questions: 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to “High Expectations and Accountability” with Rebecca Friedman Please refer to page 1 of your packet to answer the following questions: 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to “High Expectations and Accountability” with Rebecca Friedman Please refer to page 1 of your packet to answer the following questions: 1. What are some reasons I may not always express high expectations of my students? 2. Why should I have high expectations of my students? 3. What are some reasons I may not always hold my students accountable for their learning? 4. Why should I hold my students accountable?

2 Sit back, relax, and enjoy!

3 Today’s Plan 1. Objectives and Introductions 2. What does it really mean to have high expectations of our students and hold them accountable? How can we do that? 3. Create individualized plans for implementation

4 Objectives Each participant will be able to:
Fully understand the why and how of high expectations and accountability in the classroom Brainstorm ways to develop and communicate high expectations and accountability in your own classroom Leave this workshop with at least one pearl

5 Introductions

6 Introductions 1. Name 2. A little about yourself 3. Thoughts on one of opening questions

7 The Reason We are Here

8 Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor

9 Phrasing Expectations in the Positive:

10 Making Sure Every Student Keeps Up and Setting High Goals

11 Expecting Effective Class Discussion

12 Accountability

13 Meeting with Students to Track Progress

14 Eliminating the Element of Surprise

15 Showing Students We Care While Holding Them Accountable

16 Let’s recap 1. Why we have high expectations of our students
During the first half of this workshop we thought about: 1. Why we have high expectations of our students 2. How we can communicate these expectations to our students 3. Why we should hold our students accountable 4. How we can hold our students accountable

17 We thought about these ideas because our goal as educators is to provide students with the best education possible.

18 It’s time to create our own individualized plans!
“Expectations and Accountability Individualized Plan” (Note: Next, your colleagues will offer possible improvements, based on what is on your sheet, so write as clearly as possible. If you want suggestions, include a question mark)

19 Stuck? I can express high expectations by:
I can hold students accountable by: Telling students the assignment is above their grade level Making sure every student is keeping up Setting ambitious goals Letting students learn from one another (Fishbowl) Meeting with students to track progress Cold Call Asking review questions upon greeting students Requiring that students re-do or edit assignment and re-submit if not their best work.

20 Everyone will have a chance to digest their colleagues’ feedback.
Interactive Feedback 1. When finished, tape your plan to a wall in the room. 2. After you have taped your plan on a wall, get a stack of post-its from the front of the room and a writing utensil. 3. As other plans are taped up, walk around the room and analyze the effectiveness of your colleagues’ plans. Jot your feedback and/or constructive criticism down on a post-it, and stick it on the plan you are analyzing. *If you don’t want to offer your constructive criticism, consider taking a look at other participants’ plans for your own knowledge! Everyone will have a chance to digest their colleagues’ feedback.

21 Take your plan off the wall and take the next couple minutes to digest the feedback from your colleagues. As you explore and discover your own methodologies that work for you in the classroom, feel free to borrow, adapt, or modify the examples your colleagues and I have given you.

22 What was your pearl for today. What questions do you have
What was your pearl for today? What questions do you have? (for me or each other)

23 An Entertaining Closing Clip

24 “High Expectations and Accountability”
Thank you for participating in: “High Expectations and Accountability” with Rebecca Friedman, M.Ed.

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