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From Teddy Roosevelt through Woodrow Wilson

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1 From Teddy Roosevelt through Woodrow Wilson
American Imperialism From Teddy Roosevelt through Woodrow Wilson

2 Roots of Imperialism Manifest destiny develops and US expands to its natural borders. Economy is producing more than can be bought. US needs foreign markets. Social Darwinism: Because we are stronger than many of our neighbors we have the right to do what we want.

3 “Influence of Sea Power on History”
New book by Alfred Mahan shows that all historical powers were able to control the oceans. What does the United States begin to develop after this book? Its navy

4 White Man’s Burden With our greater position comes responsibility.
Poem by Rudyard Kipling states America needs to take care of the less fortunate countries Education, religion, etc.

5 Monroe Doctrine (1823) President James Monroe states that North and South America would not be further colonized by European countries. European countries don’t care because US is so weak and they are fighting each other anyway.

6 Open Door Policy (1899) European countries control Chinese economy through “spheres of influence.” US wants a piece of the action and says China should be open to all nations. (Secretary of State John Hay)

7 Open Door Policy (1899) Trying to “spin” the situation as US taking care of China but we just wanted our “fair share” Boxer rebellion: U.S. leads international force to keep China open

8 Roosevelt Corollary (aka Big Stick Diplomacy)
Latin American countries borrowed big bucks from Europeans for development. Some countries couldn’t pay back, and TR worried that European countries would attempt to control these Latin American politics and economies.

9 Roosevelt Corollary (aka Big Stick Diplomacy)
Roosevelt reminded Europe of the Monroe Doctrine and also said the US would use force (i.e. a big stick) to protect its interests in South America He bailed out Nicaragua so it didn’t default on its loan. US becomes the greatest power in the Americas.

10 Taking Panama Mahan said that we needed a canal in Central America
T.R. got the Columbian region of Panama to rebel(under U.S. protection) After “freedom” from Columbia, Panama leases canal route to U.S. for cheap

11 Dollar Diplomacy Taft continues to be imperialistic but uses moolah more than a big stick. The US loans money to China and Nicaragua in hopes of developing commercial ties. Mostly unsuccessful (other nations beat them to it) and Wilson ends the policy upon taking office.

12 Missionary Diplomacy As the son of a preacher, Woodrow Wilson was very religious. He felt that the governments of Latin America were morally obligated to be democratic. He refused to recognize Mexico’s revolutionary govt. from

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