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Unit 14 – Exercise, Health and Lifestyle

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1 Unit 14 – Exercise, Health and Lifestyle

2 ARGGGHH Q. What is stress? NHS Choices Video

3 Stress How the body reacts to particular conditions or situations Can be good Can be bad Stress responses are very individual

4 Stress Provide 4 examples of situations when you have been stressed… Try to include examples of when stress has been both good and bad for you.. How did the stress effect you mentally and physically?


6 When we experience a stressful situation, stress hormones are released…
Adrenaline – increases HR, increases BP and makes us sweat Cortisol – increases BP, slows the immune system working and releases fat and glucose into the blood stream from their stores in the body

7 What are the health risks associated with excessive stress levels?

8 Effects of stress… Hypertension Cardiovascular Diseases Stomach ulcers Mental health disorders Decreased immune function Colitis

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