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Presentation on theme: "Judaism."— Presentation transcript:

1 Judaism

2 Judaism Founded by the Hebrews (eventually known as Jews)
Monotheism: belief in one supreme God (Judaism was the first major religion to have this belief

3 The Torah The first five books of the Hebrew bible (known in Christianity as the Old Testament) Began with a covenant: a sacred agreement. God would protect the Jewish people if they followed his teachings.

4 Canaan Abraham moved with his family from Mesopotamia
Believed to be the promised land Jews then moved to Egypt due to famine

5 Ten Commandments Exodus: The Jewish people’s departure from Egypt
10 laws given from God to Moses on Mount Sinai

6 David Unified the Israelites into a single nation
Brought them a strong central government Founded Jerusalem as their capital city and kept the Ark of Covenant there (a chest that held the Ten Commandments)

7 Formative Assessment Define monotheism:
What two reason make Jerusalem important to the Jewish people? What did Moses bring from Mt Sinai? Why did the Israelites move from Canaan? What two important things did David do for the Jewish people?

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