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Analyzing & Evaluating an Advertisement

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Presentation on theme: "Analyzing & Evaluating an Advertisement"— Presentation transcript:

1 Analyzing & Evaluating an Advertisement
PONDS WHITE BEAUTY NATURALS DAY CREAM By: Shima Malik Mubarak Good day everyone. Marketing strategy is a big part of selling a product and advertisement is one of them. Today, I am going to present my analysis and evaluation of PONDS White Beauty Naturals Day Cream.

2 Background Advertisement Argument Structure Persuasion Tactics
Reasoning Errors Effectiveness Summary OUTLINE My presentation will be divided according to the following outline: Background of the advertisement, and I am going to show the advertisement itself. After that, I am going to present the argument structure, present the persuasion tactics as well as the reasoning errors I find. I’ll give my take on the effectiveness of the advertisement and finally the summary.

3 Background The product is about PONDS White Beauty Naturals Day Cream which aims to reduce dark spots in the face. The advertisement is about 40 seconds. The story started from a camellia leaf and dropped into a pond, travelled and jumped from leaf to flowers and eventually landed into the lady’s room where she uses it. The product appeals to young women, students and young professionals which are looking for pinkish white skin.

4 Advertisement Now, sit back and take some time to relax and let us watch the advertisement.

5 Argument Structure Argument: The advertisement is trying to imply that by using the product, you are going to have a pinkish white skin. Issue: Dark spots in the face. Conclusion: Dark spots can be reduced/ removed by using PONDS White Beauty Naturals day cream. Reasons: Camellia leaf extracts contains nature’s strong whitening ingredient.

6 Persuasion Tactics Feel good/ catchy music Realistic animations
Use of beautiful model Claim of having natural ingredient The advertisement made use of feel good and catchy music, realistic animations, present a beautiful envious model and the claim that the cream does have natural ingredients as a way of persuading the buyers.

7 Reasoning Errors In the last part of the advertisement, the lady applied the cream on the left side of her face however, the dark spots were in her right. But eventually the dark spots on her right cheeks were the one that was lightened or removed.

8 Effectiveness PROS Appeals to younger generation.
Good graphics and eye catching. Nice music. CONS Did not explained well the benefit of Camellia leaf extract. No laboratory result that will support the claim. --Read first the PROS and CONS— One way of improving the commercial is to lengthen a little bit to accommodate lab results or tests that would further verify/ support the claim that Camellia leaf extract does to lighten the skin.

9 Background Advertisement Argument Structure Persuasion Tactics
Reasoning Errors Effectiveness Summary


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