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Beginnings of Christianity

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2 Beginnings of Christianity
Movement within Judaism Monotheistic Judea controlled by Rome Jews allowed to worship freely, but punished when revolted Remember, Jewish captives built the Coliseum Basic Teachings of Christianity One God Jesus is the messiah, or anointed one Pacifists 10 Commandments 1st Love God 2nd Love your neighbor as your self Follow these to achieve salvation and eternal life after death

3 What do you know about how Christians were treated under Roman rule?

4 Christianity vs Rome: If Rome was so tolerant of other religions, why did they not like Christians?
Monotheistic Refused to worship Roman gods, including the emperor Jesus was crucified for fear of causing revolt against Rome Rome might fall if this happened Polytheistic Tolerant of other religions Expected ALL to celebrate Roman rituals and gods Emperor is a god and should be worshipped as such


6 Spread of Christianity
After Jesus’ death (and Christian belief of resurrection and assumption) Paul Spread message of Jesus as Savior and Son of God Founded Christian communities in Asia Minor Wrote letters outlining Christian beliefs

7 Why was Christianity able to attract and maintain so many followers?
personal and offered salvation and eternal life to individuals seemed familiar….Jesus was a human figure fulfilled the human need to belong within communities…love and services for all open to ALL classes with the promise of eternal life after death Very popular with the poor

8 EDICT OF MILAN 313 AD Christianity is officially tolerated in Rome!
Thanks Constantine!

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