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Presented by: Suzy Khoury

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1 Presented by: Suzy Khoury
Michigan Department of Education Special Populations Conference September 24, 2015 Writing Strategies for Newcomers: Constructing & Deconstructing Using PSP Presented by: Suzy Khoury

2 Roadmap Powerful Sentence Patterning -Define -Model -Group Work -Presentation of Teams -Construct and Deconstruct -Formative Assessment Using PSP

3 Workshop Objectives Content Objective:
Participants will demonstrate application of Powerful Sentences Patterning by implementing the method of constructing and deconstructing sentences using word charts. Language Objective: Participants will write sentences using the Powerful Chart model to facilitate students’ conversational skills and writing abilities.

4 Powerful Sentences “One day the Nouns were clustered in the street. An Adjective walked by, with her dark beauty. The Nouns were struck, moved, changed. The next day a Verb drove up, and created the Sentence.” From “Permanently” by Kenneth Koch

5 Powerful Sentences Powerful Sentence Pattern (PSP) is an effective writing strategy for newcomers (level 1-2). It is a collaborative. It is engaging. It takes into consideration: -Linguistic Complexity -Vocabulary Usage -Language Control

6 Powerful Sentences

7 Powerful Sentences To model this strategy to the class for the first time, choose a topic all students can talk about. Market the strategy Looking vs buying Assigning tasks

8 Print and laminate these cards:

9 Powerful Sentences Chose a topic: Begin with plural nouns so you can avoid entanglements with verb conjugation. The verb can include the object or be a verb phrase, e.g.: “eat fish” or “play basketball”.   Your starter will be “the” with a lower case “t” and you will only use a couple of green cards.   Write students’ suggestions on the appropriate cards.  

10 Powerful Sentences


12 Let’s practice! The bell tinkled. _______________________________

13 Let’s practice! The bell tinkled.
tiny bell tinkled faintly in the colorful cricket cage now and then The tiny bell tinkled faintly in the colorful cricket cage now and then. every afternoon the school bell called the students to assembly at 3 PM to recite the school anthem noun verb adjective adjective why adverb finally however the in comparison how where when

14 Construct Powerful Sentences
Group work: Hand out the cards to groups Come up with a topic per group. Discuss and write words on the cards to make a sentence.   Read the sentence out loud in the group. Write the sentence on the chart. Demonstrate to class. Suggestion: Show students how they can rearrange the sentence by beginning with a green card.   Ask students if they want to make additional changes.  Prompt students’ active listening and class participation.  

15 Deconstruct Powerful Sentences
What can we take out from the sentence: Group discussion Present the new sentence Check and edit Repeat Shortest form


17 Writing Crutches Over usage of… Verb to Be Said

18 Verb to Be 1. Substitute That cherry pie is good. That cherry pie tastes good. 2. Rearrange The monster was in the dark tunnel creeping. Down the dark tunnel crept the monster.

19 Verb to Be 3. Change another word in the sentence into a verb Charles Schulz was the creator of the Peanuts cartoon strip. Charles Schulz created the Peanuts cartoon strip. 4. Combine sentences The sensitive child was sad. He was feeling that way because of the story about the death of a homeless man. The story about the death of a homeless man saddened the sensitive child. (problem solving strategies & teaching plan)

20 Verb to Say Make your writing lively and vivid with strong verbs.

21 Verb to Say Powerful way to replace “Said”: Answered replied continued
Shouted asked exclaimed whispered explained objected Roared growled stammered cried Retorted bellowed yelled Mumbled squealed warned Grumbled whimpered interrupted



24 Because As As things go Due to By reason of As a result of Being For
By virtue of Considering

25 Resources


27 Art & Literacy Resource

28 Workshop Objectives Content Objective:
Participants will demonstrate application of Powerful Sentences Patterning by using the method of constructing and deconstructing sentences using word charts. Language Objective: Participants will create sentences using the Powerful Chart model to facilitate students’ conversational skills and writing abilities.

29 Thank you for attending my session. Please fill an evaluation sheet
Thank you for attending my session. Please fill an evaluation sheet. Be kind We’re Done!!! Please fill the evaluation sheet. Be kind 

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