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ESSENTIAL QUESTION What does it look like and sound like when students use evidence to support their thinking?

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Presentation on theme: "ESSENTIAL QUESTION What does it look like and sound like when students use evidence to support their thinking?"— Presentation transcript:

1 ESSENTIAL QUESTION What does it look like and sound like when students use evidence to support their thinking?

2 linguistic structures or symbols TRADITIONAL DEFINITION The writing in a book or magazine, rather than the pictures, or any written material. The words, phrases, or sentences on a printed page.

3 We don’t ‘read’ to find one idea, we ‘read’ to find layers of meaning. This helps students to develop claims and defend them using evidence from the text. Unlocking Complex Texts by Laura Robb, 2013

4 CCSS R.1 Reading Standard Read closely to determine what the text says explicitly and to make logical inferences from it; cite specific textual evidence when writing or speaking to support conclusions drawn from the text. Prepare for and participate effectively in a range of conversations and collaborations with diverse partners, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively. SL.1 Speaking & Listening Standard

5 GOAL: To identify differences between grade level expectations in SL Anchor Standard 1 SPEAKING & LISTENING STANDARD

6 1.Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. 2.Reason abstractly and quantitatively. 3.Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. 4.Model with mathematics. 5.Use appropriate tools strategically. 6.Attend to precision. 7.Look for and make use of structure. 8.Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning. MATHEMATICAL PRACTICES MATHEMATICAL PRACTICES

7 Students expected to… Create oral, visual, and multimedia presentations using… eye contact speaking rate, volume and enunciation gestures Students expected to… come prepared for discussion Collaborate with diverse partners Build on each others’ ideas Express ideas clearly & persuasively THENNOW KEY FEATURES OF S & L ANCHOR STANDARDS

8 QUALITY CONVERSATIONS LOOK FORS Discussing content as well as tasks Using academic language and vocabulary Asking questions of one another Building on ideas Providing evidence to support their thinking

9 Critical for accessing complex texts Supports learning & improves understandings (GRR) Provides opportunities to apply skills and strategies Allows for authentic practice of academic language QUALITY CONVERSATIONS WITHIN CCSS

10 Quality Conversations are at the of Reading

11 CLOSE READING/LISTENING ~PRIMARY~ “Engage students with the thinking necessary for Close Reading.”

12 POSSIBILITIES Poetry Picture Books Non-fiction Texts

13 1 st Reading ~ Big Idea (Main Idea & Details) 2 nd Reading ~ Analyze Text (Craft & Structure) 3 rd Reading ~ Make Connections (Integration of Ideas & Knowledge) CLOSE READING ~PRIMARY~

14 Anchor Standard 3: Analyze how and why individuals, events, and ideas develop and interact over the course of a text. Purpose/Lens: Describing Characters

15 Discuss the Big Idea FIRST READING

16 Analyze the Text SECOND READING

17 Make Connections THIRD READING

18 Integration of Knowledge and Ideas Craft and Structure Key Ideas and Details DOKDOK TYPES OF TEXT DEPENDENT QUESTIONS


20 CLOSE READING— INTERMEDIATE How do we know it is ‘worthy of a close reading?” What could we teach with this text?

21 ANALYZING TEXT FOR PLANNING Analyze text for possible teaching points Identify text dependent questions Discuss 21

22 ONE EXAMPLE First Reading: What is the main idea of this text? Second Reading: How does the first paragraph in “Buried Alive!” differ from the introduction in “A Brief History of Pompeii? Third Reading : Find evidence in “Buried Alive!” about how the author feels about this topic. Why did the author title the article “Buried Alive!”?

23 CLOSE READING PLANNING TEMPLATE Begin with the students in mind “What instruction do my students need?” Match a text with the objective Plan text-dependent questions to support the objective

24 CLOSE READING CONSIDERATIONS FOR ELS Literacy Squared Close reading instruction in Spanish K-5 Build connections in English through Lit-based ESL ESOL Consider language proficiency level Scaffold by giving exposure to text prior to the whole group instruction (Especially levels 1-3) Use a second language lens when selecting text

25 Level 1: Recall and Reproduction Level 2: Basic Application of Skills & Concepts Level 3: Focus on Strategic Thinking Level 4: Extended Thinking

26 With table groups… Sort examples of math assignments by levels Brainstorm ways to raise the rigor of an assignment (take it from Good to Better to Best) DOK MATH ANALYSIS PROTOCOL

27 Analyze the Math Assessment Tasks. Identify the levels of DOK within the assessments. Determine how quality conversations prepare students for these types of assessment tasks. EXTENDING DOK ANALYSIS: MATH ASSESSMENTS

28 How can attending to DOK as we plan improve student learning? How will you apply this learning in your classroom? DEBRIEF WITH 9 O’CLOCK TEAMS

29 We help students to develop the ability to interpret text through… * Close reading & annotating * Text-dependent questions * Quality conversations * Expressing thinking in writing REVIEW

30 A safe environment, creating a community of learners Regular time to talk about text Intentional planning of quality questions and prompts Engaging & complex tasks (DOK) KEY FACTORS TO FOSTER CRITICAL THINKING THROUGH QUALITY CONSERVATIONS

31 Observe student behaviors that demonstrate… Using evidence from text Talking about text OBSERVATION

32 You may have observed… Text Citing text (pointing) Analyzing text (talking) OBSERVING STUDENT DISCOURSE

33 It was weird. When we finished talking, we had a totally new idea. Conversations not only made us sound smarter, I think they actually made us smarter. I never realized how much was involved in a good conversation. Science wasn’t very interesting until we started talking about it.


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