Www.michigan.gov/cg (517) 335-5780 Raffle www.michigan.gov/cg (517) 335-5780.

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Presentation on theme: "Www.michigan.gov/cg (517) 335-5780 Raffle www.michigan.gov/cg (517) 335-5780."— Presentation transcript:

1 www.michigan.gov/cg (517) 335-5780
Raffle (517)

2 Licensing and Fees Large raffle: $50 fee per drawing date
For prizes over $500 Allows the sale of charity game tickets 0013 ________________ Name Address _________________ Phone Number Raffle Veteran’s Organization 127 Drawing will be held August 5, 2015 at 7:00pm First Prize: $5,000 Drawing held at: 1022 W Main St Lansing, MI $5.00 per ticket License # R01234

3 Licensing and Fees Small raffle: $15 fee for up to 3 drawing dates
$5 for each additional drawing date All prizes awarded, for each drawing date, must total $500 or less

4 Licensing and Fees Exempt Raffle Meeting night
Maximum $100 in total prizes Theatre roll tickets

5 Raffle Ticket Accountability

6 Accountability Licensee cannot purchase tickets in their name
Ticket sellers cannot be paid Ticket sellers must be 18 years or older Must be 18 to purchase raffle tickets

7 Accountability Deposits must be made within 2 business days
Raffle funds must be deposited separate from any other funds Keep deposit slips Checks cannot be cashed from proceeds Bank statements and all check images from the bank account used for the licensed event must be retained

8 Record Keeping Game records must be retained for 3 full years + the current year Raffle ticket accountability form(s) A list of winners over $100 Name, address, phone number Copy of application License Worker Service Record Receipts, invoices, and deposit slips Bank statements and bank copies of all cleared checks Copy of the Financial Statement Copy of the House Rules from the event Remember Deposits within 2 business days of event Deposit money separately Mail financial statement only

9 Rules Licensee cannot purchase tickets in their name
Ticket sellers cannot be paid Must be 18 to purchase or sell raffle tickets

10 House Rules Organization name License number
Effective date (the day you begin selling tickets) Refund policy Alternative drawing date Drawing method (order in which prizes will be awarded Price of tickets

11 Prizes cannot be forfeited to the organization
Prizes must be awarded If prize is not claimed or winner not located within 60 days Hold a new drawing with original ticket stubs Request permission from Bureau to donate to another non-profit organization Prizes cannot be forfeited to the organization

12 Sell Licenses can be issued up to 18 months prior to drawing date
Don’t limit sales to the location on license sporting events, festivals, farmers markets, place of employment, etc. Advertise the event through any legal means Consider ticket seller incentives to boost sales

13 Marketing Your Ticket Items to include on raffle ticket:
Printing donated by… Coupons Advertisements Promote limited quantity or odds of winning Events held by the organization Dinners, Bands, Karaoke, Pancake Breakfasts

14 Raffle Ideas 50/50’s In-House Playing Card Progressive Tin Can
Card Blitz Daily 3 / Daily 4 (based on Lottery numbers) Duck Race Animal Determination

15 Camel Race Raffle

16 Selling Charity Game Tickets with Large Raffle
14-16% Profit All prizes in box & funded from sales Sell anywhere on location Instant winners = constant sales Instant player gratification Additional entertainment *Remember CGT’s can only be sold during the time and date on the license.

17 Charity Game Tickets Annual license - $200 fee per year
Allows ticket sales 7 days a week, from 8:00am-2:00am, at the location listed on the license Special license - $15 per day, up to 4 consecutive days per license Allowed up to 8 special licenses per year

18 Progressive Playing Card Raffle
Designate a winning card (Jack of Hearts) 52 playing cards (54 if using Jokers) Put the cards in (security envelopes), seal, and shuffle the cards before they are numbered Each envelope must be signed by at least 2 Chairpersons All envelopes must be placed in a locked display case Any person who performs these tasks may not purchase raffle tickets for this event

19 Progressive Playing Card Raffle
Each week’s winner from the sale of raffle tickets has the opportunity to select an envelope If they select the designated playing card, the jackpot prize will be awarded Otherwise, the player will receive the consolation prize

20 Progressive Playing Card Raffle
Percentage of weekly ticket sales are added to the accumulated prize each week Maximum weekly contribution is 70%, including consolation prize Progressive Raffle Accountability Form must be completed each week Electronic game form is mandatory and must be printed each week Attach deposit slip and ticket stub drawn



23 What’s on the web Rules . Directives . Applications . Change Forms . Financial Statements . Game Records. Charity Game Ticket Information . And Much More (517)

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