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Day 5 Lesson SP2 8/12.

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1 Day 5 Lesson SP2 8/12

2 Morado(a) Negro(a) Blanco(a) Marrón Azul Rojo(a) Verde Amarillo(a)
Patada On a separate sheet of paper, describe 3 classroom objects using colors as adjectives. These 3 descriptions must be 3 individual, complete sentences. Ejemplo: El piso es verde. = The floor is green. Azul Rojo(a) Verde Amarillo(a) Gris Rosa Anaranjado(a) Morado(a) Negro(a) Blanco(a) Marrón Now, let the nostalgia flow! Vamos a practicar.

3 ¿Qué colores son? Naranja Púrpura Violeta→ Rosado Café→ Turquesa
Pardo → Plateado(a)→ Dorado(a)→ Turquesa multicolor

4 Daily Agenda Patada: Coloring the class Color quick review
Noun reminder Adjective and Adverb lesson Check for comprehension Adjective/ noun agreement practice Describe your best friend

5 EQ How do I know if a noun is masculine or feminine?
What are the colors in Spanish? In what 2 ways do adjectives agree with nouns? How do I make adjectives agree with nouns? What is an adverb, and how is it similar to and different from an adjective?

6 Standards & Learning Objectives
MLII.INT1D Demonstrate Novice-Mid to Novice-High proficiency in listening, viewing, and reading comprehension. Learning Objective: I can recall and modify colors in Spanish. I can make adjectives agree with nouns. I can make adverbs from adjectives.

7 Let’s remember our nouns.
Person, place, thing, or idea E.j. Sócrates, casa, lápiz, o filosofía What 2 genders can nouns be? masculine & feminine (How do they usually end?) Let’s see some other ways to predict noun gender. Noun handout

8 Adjectives and Adverbs
What do adjectives do? Adjective = describe nouns and pronouns Which 3 questions do adjectives answer? 1. Which one?, 2. What kind?, 3. How many? Give an example of an adjective. What do adverbs do? Adverb = describe verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs *In Spanish, adverbs are made by adding –mente to the end of the feminine form of an adjective. E.g. Rápido(a) → Rápida → Rápidamente Which 4 questions do adverbs answer? 1. How?, 2. When?, 3. Where?, 4. To what extent? Give an example of a different adverb. Write the words in red in Composition notebooks.

9 Stop, Check, and Remind Nouns are Adjectives describe Adverbs describe
People, places, things, ideas Adjectives describe Nouns & pronouns Adverbs describe Verbs, adjectives, & other adverbs Remind: Simply text the appropriate class code to Go to and enter the appropriate class code there. P.4, español

10 Describe your best friend
I don’t care if your best friend is Ronald McDonald. Describe him correctly. Write 5 complete sentences, on the same sheet as your Patada, describing your best friend. Use no less than 5 adjectives, and write no less than 5 sentences.

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