Gap Analysis Continuing the development of the strategy

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Presentation on theme: "Gap Analysis Continuing the development of the strategy"— Presentation transcript:

1 Gap Analysis Continuing the development of the strategy
We have identified the stakeholders We have identified the problems We have assessed the environment (context) We have informed ourselves from documentation We move to the Gap Analysis

2 Gap Analysis Structure Resources Systems/ tools Key Elements
Regulations Management Structure Roles & responsibilities People & competences Finance Information Systems HRD system Budgeting system Training Programme Financial management Final Requirements (what is needed) Less What is already in Place and Working Effectively Indicates… What is Required (need) And gives us a basis for a concrete action to be undertaken in the ICD process

3 Detailing the Action Plan
Two key decisions are needed: Which action is dependent on an earlier one? Should any action be split up and proceed in stages?

4 Structuring Actions Example:
Ensure quality staff at full complement. Review existing staff, carry out exact staffing audit, develop new recruitment process based on interview. Define number and profile and of new staff required. Define civil service status of all staff

5 Structuring Actions Better Structured as...
Review existing human resource situation relative to future requirements Define the future Human Resource Policy and management system Define the relevant statutes for “civil service” staff in the organisation Design and undertake a process of recruitment to all newly-defined posts (open to existing staff) Design a Human Resource Strategy to support recruitment and induction of new staff Design and put in place a Performance Appraisal system

6 Structuring Actions Lessons:
Build in scoping, review stages to concrete implementation tasks Think: enter, review, re-diagnose, implement, sustain Also provides a basis to sequencing

7 Sequencing Actions Objective: To ensure appropriate human resource capability and performance Action Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step N Review current situation against future requirements and define, design and install appropriate human resources and their overall management system

8 Sequencing Actions Estimate duration of each step and of overall action You can also set a start and end date You then know which financial year your action and its steps fall into This may assist with obtaining external financial support

9 Overview of Action Plan

10 Perfecting the IB process

11 Limits to Methodological Tools
There are a number of difficulties which cannot be easily remedied by a tool The definition of final requirements (in a new situation, you may never have experienced these). Defining them is therefore not easy and there is a real danger of error. If error intervenes here, all else will be subject to error as well The definition of actions – you may be tempted to assume that every “need” is an “action”. But this is not always the case. The need does not necessarily tell you what is the best action to pursue. For this you may need some further advice

12 Limits to Methodological Tools
Define (5) Brainstorm & Propose (1) Dynamic of Incremental Improvement Test (2) Brainstorm & Propose (4) Modify (3) Tip: Always work at every stage with stakeholders and (if required external experts) according to the following model: Do not assume your first idea is correct. This is an interactive process that requires much revision and discussion before you can define final requirements, needs, actions or steps appropriately.

13 Managing the IB process

14 Establishing Monitoring and Review Arrangements
Steps Who is involved Information needed on Tools provided Design of Monitoring Sheet Lead and Partners Details of Each Action Monitoring Template Results: ICB process can be monitored, delays and problems identified, corrective action taken in course of implementation

15 Total budget (all sources): €M Of which, National budget:
Monitoring sheet ICD Date drafted: Total budget (all sources): €M Of which, National budget: Donor A budget Donor N budget Date mnitored: Strategic objective(s) : Monitoring assessment Action 1. Benchmark(s) Date for achievement Sources of Verification Progress towards benchmark(s) Corrective actions needed Responsible department Project(s) under Action 1.  Action 2. Project(s) under Action 2.

16 Checklist of the process:
Have we completed...? IB Strategy : Problem recognition and analysis Stakeholders analysis Context of the IB strategy Analysis of the sector strategy Gap analysis IB Objectives those responsible for implementing the strategy Action Plan: Initial design of actions Identification of budgets and financing sources Prioritization and regrouping definition of implementation arrangements

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