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Practicing 1a What are some messages of this source?

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Presentation on theme: "Practicing 1a What are some messages of this source?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Practicing 1a What are some messages of this source?
The solution lies in enlarging the agricultural units and in changing the agricultural base of our national economy the Socialist way, which is to set up collective farms and state farms which leads to the joining together of the small peasant farms into large collective farms, technically and scientifically equipped, and to the squeezing out of the capitalist elements from agriculture Now we are able to carry on a determined offensive against the kulaks, to break their resistance, to eliminate them as a class and substitute for their output the output of the collective farms and state farms. - Stalin, 1929 What are some messages of this source?

2 Practicing 1B What are some messages of this cartoon?

3 Reviewing Stalin

4 The Chinese Civil War 1927-37 and 1946-49

5 Causes of the Chinese Civil War
Up to 1927

6 Long-Term Weaknesses of the State
Poor leadership of the Qing Dynasty (Manchus) Failure to offer reforms, similar to Tsar Nicholas II Opposition to the Self-Strengthening Movement Regionalism Warlords with their own local governments; little central control Plight of the peasantry Hard life, most extremely poor, subsistence farmers Paid the taxes for imperial court Faced starvation through floods Population grew by 8 percent in second half of 1800s, land cultivated only by 1 percent Famines more frequent Land reduced, rents increased Some driven to the cities where there was already high unemployment

7 Long-Term Weaknesses of the State
Rising Japan Events Sino-Japanese War Russo-Japanese War Effects Japan presenting itself as the new dominant power in Asia Western exploitation Opium Wars and Taiping Rebellion Open Door China 1899 Boxer Rebellion 1900 China forced to sign unequal treaties over trade, territory, sovereignty Foreigners established their own courts after not abiding Chinese laws Missionaries attempted to spread Christianity Inflation and corruption amongst local officials

8 Decline of the Manchus 1908 Emperor Zaitian died without an heir
Two year old, Puyi, to become the next Emperor Prince Chun ruling as regent Dismissed all political opposition, increased taxation and frustrated the business classes

9 Revolution and Its Aftermath
1911, (10/10) Double Tenth Revolution General uprising, military turned on the Manchus, provinces declaring themselves independent Successful, delegates come together to establish the Republic of China February of 1912 Puyi formally abdicates the throne Provisional government originally led by the revolutionary Sun Yixian Taken over by the military commander Yuan Shikai

10 Sun and Yuan Arrangement was the result of a deal between Sun and Yuan
Yuan was promised the presidency in return for the military’s support in the revolution Sun thought he could control him from; needed to avoid a civil war between his supporters and the military The revolution was really incomplete Would only turn into a military dictatorship No real democracy, did not benefit the majority of the population (peasants)

11 Sun and Yuan Sun goes on to formally reform his political party, the Guomindang in 1912 Left-wing party Three principles Nationalism Democracy People’s Livelihood Land reform and centralized economics Resentment quickly develops between the two men Sun able to generate a general uprising in the Jiangxi province in the 1913 Second Revolution Fails and the GMD leadership must flee to Japan

12 Fall of Yuan Shikai Yuan Shikai a poor leader himself
Abolished regional governments Increased tax levies Weak response to Japan’s 1915 Twenty-One Demands Declared himself the Emperor in 1916 Lost the support of his own military Resigned and then died three months later

13 Warlord Era 1916-27 China now lacking a leader
Yuan dead Sun in Japan with a weak GMD Falling back into regionalism, power to the warlords Territories run independently Taxation and conscription particularly damaging to the peasants Increased Chinese humiliation Combined with persistent desire to remove foreign influences, actually led to increased nationalism

14 May Fourth Movement Two political movements early in this era
Re-birth of the GMD, earliest instance of the Chinese Communist Party May Fourth Movement in 1919 Students led a mass demonstration in Beijing Protesting the warlords, old Chinese culture and the Japanese rise Ignited by the Treaty of Versailles and Shandong award to China Likely influenced by the success of the Bolsheviks in Russia

15 A New Alliance 1921 CCP formally established
Support and funding from the Soviets through the Comintern 1923 political alliance between the GMD and CCP First United Front Goal to remove the warlords Both leftist organizations 1925 Sun Yixian’s death changed the nature of the GMD Chiang Kai-Shek wins out in a power struggle with Wang Jingwei Backing of the military elements of the GMD and claim to the position as husband to Sun’s widow’s sister Differently ideologically thought, much more rightist, capitalist

16 Northern Expedition 1926, First United Front begins military campaign to remove the warlords and foreign influences By 1927, have captured Hangzhou, Shanghai and Nanjing GMD declares itself the legitimate government of China Alliance had been one of convenience Chiang Kai-Shek turns on the CCP and the remaining leftist elements in the GMD CCP had been rising in popularity along the Northern Expedition Promising an attractive reform program to the peasants and industrial workers

17 Beginning of the Chinese Civil War 1927-37
Attacks were known as the 1927 White Terror Chiang saw it as an extension of attempts to unify China Employed triads, gangsters, criminals to conduct a purification movement Targeting communists, trade unionists, peasant leadership, etc. CCP was nearly crushed at this stage, not comparable in terms of power Remnants of the CCP flee to the Jiangxi province GMD will pursue them south Beginning of the civil war

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