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1821 South River Road • St. Charles, MO 63303

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1 1821 South River Road • St. Charles, MO 63303
Series: James: Chapter One (JAS1) Document: JAS1-03 Page: Lessons: & 8 Date: Oct. 16, 2016 Grace Doctrine Church 1821 South River Road • St. Charles, MO 63303



4 Following defeat of the Northern Kingdom by Shalmaneser V and Sargon II, c. 722 b.c.


6 James 1:2 My Jewish brethren, after weighing all the facts, consider [ Imperative Mood #1: ¹gšomai (hēgéomai) ] it nothing but unalloyed happiness whenever you encounter various categories of pressure, (ext)


8 Joe Griffin Media Ministries.
The System of Divine Didactics REVELATION God’s direct divine influence communicated truth to the minds of biblical writers. Inspiration Direct divine influence insured their accurate transfer of truth into written languages. INTERPRETATION Pastors, guided by the Holy Spirit, discern through hermeneutics the meaning of Scripture. COMMUNICATION Verbal conveyance of biblical doctrines to their assigned congregations. ANIMATION Believers, enabled by the Holy Spirit, apply resident doctrines to life and circumstances. ILLUMINATION Believers, guided by the Holy Spirit, are enabled to understand and retain Bible doctrines. Adapted from: Lewis Sperry Chafer, Systematic Theology (Dallas: Dallas Seminary Press, 1947), 1:48–88; 105–123. Joe Griffin Media Ministries.


10 The Creation, Fall, & Salvation of Adam
SOUL LIFE SINFUL NATURE ETERNAL LIFE SPIRITUAL DEATH# PERFECT HUMAN LIFE* FALL HUMAN SPIRIT† HUMAN LIFE BIOLOGICAL LIFE Genesis 2:7 Genesis 3:6 Genesis 3:21 * Includes the Human Spirit: Trichotomous # Loss of the Human Spirit: Dichotomous † Regeneration: Trichotomous © 2009 by Joe Griffin Media Ministries. All rights reserved.


(1) Eternal Life: (a) All angels were created simultaneously by God in eternity past at which point He imputed to them Eternal Life (Colossians 1:16). (b) Certain people, regardless of dispensation, were imputed Eternal Life at the moment each of them expressed faith in Jesus Christ for salvation. (2) Perfect Life. This type of life defines the trichotomy of Adam and Ishah in Eden. Jesus Christ created perfect bodies and souls for them to which a human spirit was imputed providing Perfect Life. This life was potentially never ending, but with the possibility of termination (Genesis 2:16–17). (3) Human Life: This is the status of all Homo sapiens from physical birth to physical death with regard to their human bodies. It was also the status of Adam and Eve between the Fall and physical death (Genesis 3:6–20). (4) Forever Life: Refers to every person that has not believed in Jesus for salvation. Their souls possess Forever Life in time. At physical death, all unbelievers’ souls go directly to Torments in interim bodies. At the close of human history, they are summoned to appear before the Great White Throne. After judgment is affirmed, they are then transferred to the lake of fire in resurrection bodies forever and ever. (5) Immortality: Refers to the human soul and applies to those that possess Eternal Life whose eternal destiny is in heaven and to those who possess Forever Life whose eternal destiny is in the lake of fire.


1) The decree to create mankind. PRINCIPLE: You cannot elect what does not exist. For God to elect anyone, they must first of all be created. 2) The decree to permit the fall. PRINCIPLE: Condemnation must precede salvation. If man is in need of salvation then he is obviously in a fallen condition. 3) The decree to provide salvation for all mankind. PRINCIPLE: The doctrine of unlimited atonement, the principle that Christ died as a substitute for the sins of all mankind, not just a predetermined few. The decree to deposit in escrow rewards & blessings in time and eternity for those who believe in Christ. PRINCIPLE: The first thing God did for us was to bless us. 5) The decree to elect those who believe in Christ and to leave in just condemnation all who do not believe. PRINCIPLE: God provides all men free will to accept or reject His grace offer of salvation through faith alone in Christ alone. 6) The decree to apply salvation to those who believe in Christ. PRINCIPLE: Each individual must first choose God’s plan of salvation, after which, God decrees to save that person’s soul and impute eternal life to his human spirit.


Efficacious Grace: The faith of the spiritually dead person is made effective for salvation. Titus 3:5 Sealing: A pledge of our eternal inheritance. Ephesians 1:13-14 Regeneration: The creation of the human spirit by the Holy Spirit which initiates spiritual growth. 1 Corinthians 2:13-15 The baptism: Placed by the Spirit into union with Christ. Acts 1:5 Indwelling: Our bodies made into a temple of God. 1 Corinthians 3:16 Filling: Status quo spirituality inside the bubble. Ephesians 5:18b; Galatians 5:16 Distribution of spiritual gifts: Every believer possesses a spiritual gift at salvation. 1 Corinthians 12:4, 11


18 Reversionism: Eight Stages
1. Reaction & Distraction: Wrong priorities, rejection of authority, lack of objectivity, hypersensitivity, retaliation due to perceived wrongs, bad decisions, self-fragmentation, addiction, preoccupation with self, no spiritual self-esteem. 2. Frantic Search for Happiness: Compensation for frustration, discouragement, and loneliness through power, pleasure, approbation, success, status symbols, sex, materialism. 3. Operation Boomerang: Failure to assuage the reactor factors associated with the frantic search for happiness causes these factors to be intensified. Frustration become rage; discouragement becomes depression; loneliness becomes desolation. 4. Emotional Revolt of the Soul: Reactor factors absent doctrinal thought including irrationality, egocentricity, instability, imbalance resulting in short-circuiting of GAP and doctrinal recall for application is neutralized. 5. Locked-In Negative Volition toward Doctrine: Doctrinal intake is shut down due to apathy leading to wrong priorities that favor the details of life; antagonism and personality conflicts with member of the congregation; failure to use GAP; unresponsive to doctrine; disorientation to logistical grace; malfunction of faith-rest. 6. Blackout of the Soul: A vacuum in the soul that causes human viewpoint, human good, and evil to be sucking into the soul which corrupts the thought process with doctrines of demons. Total disorientation due to the influence of evil. 7. Scar Tissue of the Soul: The buildup of false doctrines in the soul which shuts down any recall of doctrine. The rate of forgetting exceeds the rate of recall. Vocabulary is diminished, norms and standards degenerate, momentum halts; and wisdom is lost; all spiritual functions shut down. 8. Reverse Process Reversionism: The total influence of evil and divorcement from reality. What was previously considered right is now considered to be wrong and vice versa. It is the status quo of unrestrained and perpetual sinfulness, fragmentation, and excessive cosmic involvement. The believer is brainwashed by satanic propaganda. Adapted from: R. B. Thieme, Jr., “Stages of Reversionism,” in Reversionism, 2d ed. (Houston: R. B. Thieme, Jr., Bible Ministries, 2000), 22−39. © 2000 by R. B. Thieme, Jr., Bible Ministries. All rights reserved.













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