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Latin and Greek roots Book Three: Unit Five.

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1 Latin and Greek roots Book Three: Unit Five

2 1. LEGA: Latin for “to appoint, to send on a mission, to charge with”

3 2. LEGACY: Body of ideas, achievements, and morals Synonym: heritage
The crooked judge, retiring today, leaves behind a legacy of dishonesty and corruption.

4 3. DELEGATE: To divide up, especially responsibilities
Synonym: designate Our mom always delegates the easiest chores, like taking out the trash, to our little sister.

5 4. ACT/AG: Latin for “to do, act”

6 5. AGENDA: Plan of action; purpose Synonym: program Antonym: clueless
Most people who travel abroad have an agenda.

7 6. PROACTIVE: Seeking to solve a problem before it occurs
Gwen, who was very proactive, had a full time job before she even graduated college.

8 7. EXACTING: Demanding perfection; strict Synonym: picky
Antonym: lenient The exacting coach sometimes kept the team after practice for hours to practice a single play.

9 8. PULS/PEL: LATIN FOR “to push”

10 9. REPULSION: Desire to avoid, disgust Synonym: horror
Antonym: attraction Many people view blood as well as protruding bones and muscles with repulsion.

11 10. DISPEL: To scatter about; break up Synonym: banish Antonym: gather
Police officers were sent in to dispel the crowd after the new store began giving out hundred dollar bills to the first 100 customers.

12 11. PROPEL: To cause to move towards Synonym: push Antonym: static
A strong wind propelled the toy boat across the lake.

13 12. LAT: LATIN FOR “brought, carried”

14 13. RELATIVE: Dependent upon
The number of people at the beach on any given day is relative to the weather and the season.

15 14. SUPERLATIVE: Excellent; above all others Synonym: superior
Antonym: inferior Most people who study the English language consider Shakespeare to be the most superlative playwright.

16 15. DILATE: To widen The surgeon dilated the opening of Anthony’s windpipe so he could breathe better.

17 ASSIGNMENT Select 10 vocabulary words and use them in a sentence.
Make sure you underline the vocabulary word and follow the correct rules of punctuation when you write your sentences. Your sentences are due at the end of class. 

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