Ancient India.

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Presentation on theme: "Ancient India."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ancient India

2 Chapter Three Section Two
Hinduism and Buddhism Chapter Three Section Two

3 India Objective Trace the impact of Indo-
European migration on migration on language, literature, technology, religion, and social classes

4 Setting the Stage as Aryans and non-Aryans mixed, so did the belief in their gods; this resulted in a religion that worships thousands of different deities (gods) different ways of living and different beliefs made life more complex for both groups began to question the world, their place in it, and the enormous wealth and power held by the Brahmin priests

5 Hinduism Evolves over Centuries
Hinduism is a collection of religious beliefs that developed slowly over a long period of time some aspects of the religion can be traced back to ancient times Hinduism is very complex and cannot be traced back to one founder, book, or single set of ideas ** Hinduism is the 3rd largest religion in the world and the sacred sound is the “OM or AUM” **

6 Hinduism Evolves over Centuries
Hindus share a common worldview Hindus see religion as a way of liberating the soul from the illusions, disappointments, and mistakes of everyday existence the Upanishads (oo*PAHN*ih*shahdz) are the collection of interpretations of the Vedic hymns and prayers

7 Hinduism Beliefs Moksha: a state of perfect understanding of all
things Atman: individual soul of a living person Brahman: the world soul that contains and unites all Atmans ** Reincarnation: an individual soul or spirit is born again and again until moksha is achieved ** Circle of Rebirth

8 Hinduism Beliefs Karma: good or bad deeds follows
from one reincarnation to another Dharma: means one's righteous duty or any virtuous path

9 Hinduism Beliefs Brahman is too complex to understand so people have broken it into different gods: Brahma = creator Vishnu = protector Shiva = destroyer each family is to chose the deities that they want to worship different paths to Moksha = right thinking, right action, or religious devotion

10 Hinduism and Society Hindu ideas about karma and reincarnation strengthened the caste system example: born to a higher caste due to good karma from a former life good karma brought good fortune and bad karma resulted in bad fortune Hinduism and its caste structure dominated every aspect of a persons life: determined what one could eat and the way in which one ate it personal cleanliness people who one could associate with how one dressed ** Hindus believe that people could move up in the caste system by the law of karma **

11 New Religions Arise rise of two other religions
Jainism (JY*nihz*uhm) Buddhism Mahavira (599 B.C. – 527 B.C.) = the founder of Jainism Janisim believes that everything in the universe has a soul and so should not be harmed

12 The Buddha seeks enlightenment
Siddhartha Gautama = (sihd*DAHR*tuh GOW*tuh*muh) founder of Buddhism prophecy indicated: stayed home = world ruler left home = universal spiritual leader

13 Siddhartha’s Quest “When he was 29, he ventured outside the palace four times. First, he saw an old man, next a sick man, then a corpse, and finally a wandering holy man who seemed at peace with himself. Siddhartha understood these events to mean that every living thing experiences old age, sickness, and death and that only a religious life offers a refuge from this inevitable suffering. Siddhartha decided to spend his life searching for religious truth and an end to life’s suffering.”

14 Siddhartha’s Quest wandered through the forests of India for six years seeking enlightenment Enlightenment: a state of perfect wisdom in which one understands basic truths about the universe meditated for 49 days where he achieved an understanding of the cause and suffering of the world from this point on, he was known as the Buddha meaning “the enlightened one” four main ideas that he called the Four Noble Truths; mastery would occur over many lifetimes

15 Origins and Beliefs the Eightfold Path – guide to behavior – was mastered one step at a time by following the Eightfold Path anyone could reach nirvana Nirvana: the release from pain and suffering achieved after enlightenment ** Buddhism is a belief in the four noble truths and the eightfold path **

16 ** Wheel of Law is a sacred symbol of Buddhism**
Origins and Beliefs ** Wheel of Law is a sacred symbol of Buddhism**

17 Buddhism and Trade in India
faith spread over large parts of Asia never gained a significant foothold in India central trade routes – called the Silk Roads – all the way to China

18 Essential Question Do you believe in reincarnation? Why or why not? Provide one reason as to how the belief in reincarnation provides a form of social control. Write three complete sentences in the summary location on your note sheet

19 India Objective Trace the impact of Indo-
European migration on migration on language, literature, technology, religion, and social classes

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