Structure of Homework Assignments

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1 Structure of Homework Assignments
A homework assignment consists of a few questions that address big broad themes in your reading and key terms to help you get more specific. Key terms can be people, places, ideas, events. Include all of them in your HW response You can answer HW questions in paragraph or Cornell Notes format. Example HW Question and Response: Below is a model for how you might answer a HW question in paragraph form using key terms. What is the key to a successful and fun year in World History? Key terms to use in your answer: pencil, prepared, Ms. Greenberg,organized, respectful, participate, kind, fun

2 My sample response It is definitely possible to have a successful and fun year in World History and Ms. Greenberg wants you to have one too! Here are some tips for success: come prepared with your assignments, a pencil and binder paper. Stay organized and on top of your work. Be kind and respectful to others and the classroom. Be positive and participate in class assignments. Work hard and have fun! Why does this response score full credit?

3 Homework & Reading Quiz Policies in Ms. Greenberg’s World History Class
Every week there will be assigned reading and a short 10 question multiple choice quiz on that reading Quiz dates are clearly listed on unit outline You can demonstrate understanding of assigned text reading by either Answering the three questions listed on the unit outline in a paragraph each (about one page total) OR Taking Cornell style notes on the assigned reading section (about one page total) If you complete either your reading questions or Cornell Notes, you can use this to help with the reading quiz. If your HW is not complete, you still need to take the reading quiz You can turn in a HW assignment late with a late pass up to one week. Homework with no late pass is ½ credit. You may revise your HW up until the end of the unit if you want to raise your score. Quiz corrections can be done outside of class time if you score below 7 out of 10.

4 Cornell Notes Format HW # & Page Numbers of Reading
Name, Date, Class Period ANALYSIS (Do this Second) A few sentences that: Summarizing most important trends in the whole section in your own words FACTUAL SUMMARY (Do this First) Bullet Point notes on: Key words/ideas (especially terms on Unit Outline) Information/pictures/charts that seems connected to concepts discussed in class

5 2 1 1.5 Homework #1: Pages 2-11 Reading Questions Sample and Rubric
3) In what ways was the Roman political system similar to the Athenians and how was it different? 2 2 1.5 1 .5/0 Facts Substantial, detailed and relevant historical evidence from all parts of required reading. Many relevant historical details from most parts of the required reading. A few relevant details from some parts of the reading. Very incomplete or plagiarizes text Analysis Articulate & original comments explaining thoughts on reading. Some brief mainly original commentary on relevance of reading. Mostly unoriginal or limited explanation of relevance of reading. 1.5 1

6 What about class work? Class work is collected on the day of the written test in the form of a unit packet. Not everything is collected, but you don’t know what I’m collecting until the day it’s due. Keep all assignments in order in your binder. Running list on board and on website.

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