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warm-up: What are the characteristics of a nation? land/territory

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Presentation on theme: "warm-up: What are the characteristics of a nation? land/territory"— Presentation transcript:

1 warm-up: What are the characteristics of a nation? land/territory
Population Sovereignty Government

2 Theories and Origins of Government
Part 1 Earliest Foundations

3 I. Theories of Government
Evolution Theory Force Theory

4 Theories of Government
Divine Right Theory Social Contract Theory

5 II. Contributions of the Greeks
Athenian Democracy or Direct Democracy When: 508 bc – 322bc What: Where:

6 III. Contributions of the Romans
Roman Republic When: 509 bc – 27bc What: Classical Republicanism Civic virtue Moral education Small, uniform communities

7 So, what kind of government do we have in the U.S. today?

8 And now a clip from one of my favorite movies….

9 Theories and Origins of Government
Part 2

10 I. The Magna Carta When: 1215 Who: What: Why:

11 II Petition of Rights The Petition of Rights -1628 Who: What: Why:

12 English Government – Parliament Arrives
Parliament was a council of nobility created to advise the monarch. History of hostility between parliament and monarch. Parliament = House of Lords + House of Commons House of Lords- nobility House of Commons - wealthy and people of standing in community-knights, merchants, craftsmen.

13 English Origins of American Government
The English Bill of Rights Who: What: Glorious Revolution Why: Photos: above is William and Mary Below, Hampton Court, their castle

14 John Locke,

15 John Locke’s Natural Rights Philosophy
State of Nature Natural Rights Human Nature Purpose of Government Social Contract Theory

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