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The Rise of Realism 1850-1900.

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Presentation on theme: "The Rise of Realism 1850-1900."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Rise of Realism

2 Historical Background
Population 42 million: Immigration now from eastern Europe, Russia, Scandinavian countries

3 Transportation Key to settlement, shapes subject matter and attitudes of writers

4 Unresolved Challenges
Civil War Growth of industry (causes slums and labor unrest) Agricultural problems

5 Realism in Literature Takes the place of Romanticism.

6 Realism in Literature Portrays ordinary life as real people live it.
Attempts to show characters and events in an objective, almost factual way.

7 Realism in Literature Shows experiences of Civil War.
A sight in camp in the daybreak gray and dim, As from my tent I emerge so early sleepless, As slow I walk in the cool fresh air the path near by the hospital tent, Three forms I see on stretchers lying, brought out there untended lying, Over each the blanket spread, ample brownish woolen blanket, Gray and heavy, folding, covering all. Curious I halt and silent stand, Then with light fingers I from the face of the nearest the first just life the blanket; Who are you elderly man so gaunt and grim, with well-gray’d hair, and flesh all sunken about the eyes? Who are you my dear comrade? Then to the second I step – and who are you my child and darling? Who are you sweet boy with cheeks yet blooming? Then to the third – a face nor child nor old, very calm, as of beautiful yellow-white irvory; Young man I think I know you – I think this face is the face of the Christ himself, Dead and divine and brother of all, and here again he lies. Walt Whitman, December 1862

8 Realism in Literature Portrays frontier life.

9 Realism in Literature Portrays problems with cities, slums, and labor unions.

10 Realism in Literature Realism finds meaning in the commonplace.

11 Realistic writers can deal honestly with characters that Romantic writers either avoided or glossed over such as factory workers, bosses, politicians and gunfighters.

12 Naturalism More than realism – naturalism shows the inescapable work through natural forces.

13 Naturalism People have no control over events (writers tended to be pessimistic) Naturalist writer – Jack London

14 Naturalism Destiny is decided by: 1. heredity 2. environment 3. physical drives 4. economic circumstances

15 Regionalism Also called Local Color Movement
Writer Brett Harte is consider its founder.

16 Regionalism Emphasis on specific geographic setting; can be sentimental/ unrealistic Regional dialect (speech/ manners)

17 Regionalism Portrays vivid descriptions of landscapes.
Seeks to capture essence of life in various regions of growing nation.

18 Psychological Novels Henry James looks at distinctions in character
motivation. Portrays social and psychological situations.

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