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UCL Tear.

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1 UCL Tear

2 Definition Names: UCL Tear/ Tommy John
“The ulnar collateral ligament (UCL) is a structure that helps keep the normal relationship of the upper arm bone (humerus) and the one of the forearm bones (ulna). This ligament is injured in throwing types of sports or after elbow dislocation or surgery.” Pitchers must have: Arm and leg strength Arm and leg endurance Body flexibility

3 Causes and MOI UCL tears happen mostly to pitchers Causes:
Over use of arm Failure to stretch before throwing Improper throwing mechanics learned from youth

4 Signs and Symptoms You can’t see it The athletic trainer can’t see it
Only an MRI can see it It can’t be felt Signs are a pop and noodle arm It doesn’t hurt, you just won’t be able to throw

5 Q&A The only other body effect is difficulty moving arm
Nothing else would happen to the athlete, but he will no longer be able to throw This injury occurs mostly in male pitchers because female softball pitchers throw underhand. It also mostly occurs in adults because their arms have gone through years of wear and tear already.

6 Assessment The player won’t be able to move the affected arm much
The AT can then refer them to get an MRI

7 Diagnosis Injury is only visible through MRI

8 Treatment Tommy John surgery is used to repair it
Followed by months of rehabilitation The player may need to talk to a therapist if this will be a season/career ending injury

9 Rehabilitation (F.I.T.T.)
The athlete will be given exercises to do every day starting 3 months after the surgery. The exercises will start easy to warm the arm back up, the progressively get harder and the weeks go on. The exercises will start as stretches, the work their way into weights and endurance training. The rehabilitation will take approximately 1 hour a day for 1 year. Not allowed to throw for at least 1 year.

10 Prevention There is no equipment or safety measures to prevent this injury. The only preventative measure is proper throwing mechanics, which must be taught at a young age.

11 Works Cited Lumsden, J. (2015, February 4). Tommy John Surgery and the Hall of Fame. surgery-hall-fame/ Gleiber, M. (n.d.). Common Baseball Injuries. Name, N. (n.d.). Ulnar Collateral Ligament Sprain.

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