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By: Ryan Kmiec 12 th grade Athletic Training Class.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Ryan Kmiec 12 th grade Athletic Training Class."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Ryan Kmiec 12 th grade Athletic Training Class

2  Played for 6 teams  Including Yankees, Dodgers and Angels  288 Career Wins and 3.34 ERA  First player to receive the surgery

3  Known as Ulnar Collateral Ligament Reconstruction  Occurs in throwing sports  Mainly in baseball players  First done in 1974  Dr. Frank Jobe

4  1974 1 in 100 return rate  Now 85-90% return rate  488 baseball players had surgery  Dr. Lewis Yocum and James Andrews I could do this in my sleep Same Bro

5  Inside of Elbow  Between Humerus and Ulna  Major Stabilizer  Stabilize against valgus force


7  Improper Mechanics  Pitch Count  Pitch Type- Sliders/Curveballs  Growth plate open in young athletes Shouldn’t have thrown that curve

8  Pain on the inside of the elbow  A sense of looseness or instability in the elbow  Irritation of the ulnar nerve  Tingling or numbness in the small finger and ring finger.  Decreased ability to throw Decreased ability to throw

9  Rest  Ice  Anti Inflammatory Medication  X-Ray  MRI  Prehab- if needed Prehab

10  Tendon from- wrist/forearm/hamstring/hip  Tunnels drilled in humerus and ulna  Tendon is passed through the holes  “Figure 8”

11 Yuck!!

12  Wear a splint for seven to 10 days to immobilize the elbow.  Do gentle range-of-motion exercises for the wrist, hand, and shoulder.  Wear a range-of-motion brace to gradually regain full motion of the elbow joint.range-of-motion brace  Do exercises to strengthen the arm and shoulder.  Perform total-body conditioning exercises.

13  Starting about six weeks after surgery:  Most patients can begin to perform elbow- strengthening exercises.  For at least the next four months, most patients are advised to avoid activities that overstress the graft(Tendon)

14  About four or five months after surgery, athletes may toss a ball without a wind-up motion.  After six months, athletes may start to use an easy wind-up when throwing.  After seven months, baseball pitchers may return to the mound.  After nine months, pitchers may throw in competition if they are pain-free and have regained their normal strength and range of motion.

15  Range of Motion Brace  Prehab

16  Idea that a player will throw harder if they have Tommy John Surgery. This one's coming in harder than before No it’s not C’YAAA!!

17  The surgery does not cause a pitcher to throw harder.  The intense rehab makes the person stronger than before.  Increased velocity

18  Little League- 85 pitches  Little League- No Curveballs  MLB- Innings Limit first year about 185  MLB- generally 100 pitches

19  Stephen Strasburg  Joba Chamberlain  AJ Burnett  Brian Wilson (twice)  Rink Ankiel  Tim Hudson


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