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The Magic Powers Of SPROUTING

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1 The Magic Powers Of SPROUTING
Activating Potential

2 Why Sprout? Activate POTENTIAL
ENZYMES = electric ENERGY (negative electrons which act to alkalize and neutralize free radical damage) grown easily in four to six days and require no effort and very little cost. Increase quality and quantity of PROTEIN Barley Grass -Original seed 10.1% 4 day old 10.8% 6 day old 13.7% 8 day old 14.9%Wikipedia, Morgan, 1992 (mung bean sprout protein content equal to steak)

3 Increases in Crude Fiber content
Cuddeford (1989), based on data obtained by Peer and Leeson (1985), stated - “In sprouted barley, crude fibre, a major constituent of cell walls, increases both in percentage and real terms, with the synthesis of structural carbohydrates, such as cellulose and hemicellulose”. Chung et al. (1989) found that the fibre content increased from 3.75% in unsprouted barley seed to 6% in 5-day sprouts.”

4 NUTRIENT DENSITY . The vitamin content of some seeds can increase by up to 20 times their original value within several days of sprouting. Mung Bean sprouts have B vitamin increases, compared to the dry seeds, of - B1 up 285%, B2 up 515%, B3 up 256%. Even soaking seeds overnight in water yields greatly increased amounts of B vitamins, as well as Vitamin C. Compared with mature plants, sprouts can yield vitamin contents 30 times higher.”

5 Inflammatory Omega 6 Fats TRANSFORM into Anti-Inflammatory Omega 3 Fats!
Most seeds/grains are SKY HIGH in Omega 6’s Main cause of obesity/health problems because of chronic inflammation REMEMBER…GREEN = OMEGA 3 So when a seed sprouts and starts to “green up” the fats are shifting into omega 3’s!!!

 Here’s why.  Take a steer off pasture and put him in a feedlot.  As he comes off pasture his O6 to O3 fatty acid ratio is 1:1.  After about 180 days in the feedlot his fatty acid ratio will have increased to the 15:1 to 18:1 range.  As his fatty acid ratio changes his vitamin levels plunge.  Vitamin A in the steer’s liver can drop as much as 80%.  Vitamin E in his muscle tissue can fall 75%.      

7 Alfalfa Sprouts - Saponins
Alfalfa sprouts are one of our finest food sources of another compound, saponins. Saponins lower the bad cholesterol and fat but not the good HDL fats. Animal studies prove their benefit in arteriosclerosis and cardiovascular disease. Saponins also stimulate the immune system by increasing the activity of natural killer cells such as T- lymphocytes and interferon. The saponin content of alfalfa sprouts multiplies 450% over that of the unsprouted seed.

8 Studies have also shown that broccoli and other types of sprout contain exceptionally high levels of a natural cancer fighting compound called sulforaphane (20 – 50 times more than in mature broccoli) which helps support antioxidants such as vitamin C and vitamin E.

9 Sprouted Grain Bread ezekiel is still a lot better than regular bread because of the germination process releasing the "potential" of the seed but unfortunately it still doesn't help a lot to reduce the amount of omega 6's that reside in the seed.  the omega 3's are in full swing when seeds grow and turn GREEN.  The 6's eventually turn into 3's as the plant grows.  (wheat grass vs wheat)  the other thing about bread is that it's baked.  any heat over 118 degrees destroys all enzymes and eliminates the electrical charge the germinated seeds once possessed.  and these free electrons are what we need.  they act to neutralize the plus charges that are associated with acids and oxidative stress that "ages" our body. summary...ezekiel is a much better bread option than anything else but the best bread is no bread.    eat the sprouts while they're still living and capture their energy for your cells.

10 Natural Toxins? Lathyrogen The toxin is only found in the seeds of certain Lathyrus species (L. sativus, L. cicera, L. clymenun)! Edible peas and beans are of the genera Cicer, Glycine, Phaseolus, Pisum, and Vigna. They do not contain any such toxin.

11 BENIFITS Sprouting is the process whereby seeds are germinated and eaten either raw or cooked. Seeds of many kinds, including grasses, grains and beans, are used for sprouting. A variety of health and nutritional benefits can be obtained from sprouting. Take precautionary measures to stay safe and derive the greatest benefits.

12 NUTRIENTS Sprouts are veritable stars of the vegetable world. Their numerous and widely touted health benefits include high levels of dietary fiber, B complex vitamins and protein. Mung bean sprouts provide 32 calories and 0.84 grams of fiber per cup and 21 to 28 percent protein by weight. Sprouts also contain digestive enzymes and some of the highest known levels of certain antioxidants. One cup of sprouts provides 119 percent of your daily allotment of vitamin C. Of note are certain compounds not contained in sprouts that make them healthier. Harmful compounds, such as tannins, that are present in seeds are eliminated during the soaking step, which occurs prior to sprouting

13 BLOOD SUGAR CONTROL Antioxidants in broccoli sprouts called sulphoraphanes have received considerable research and popular attention for their cancer- preventive effects. A study published in the April 2012 issue of the "International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition" found that sulphoraphanes also reduce insulin resistance and may assist with blood-sugar control in people with type 2 diabetes. Study participants who consumed 10 grams of broccoli sprout powder daily for four weeks showed lower insulin levels.

14 Sprouted Grains Sprouting whole grains reduces the amount of starch they contain and boosts their nutritional value. Sprouted grains contain mildly elevated levels of nutrients, such as vitamin C, carotenoids and protein, compared to sprouted seeds. An advantage to sprouted wheat, rye and barley is that they contain less of the protein gluten, which is difficult for some people to digest, according to the University of California, Davis. Higher levels of the enzyme amylase make sprouted grains helpful for digesting carbohydrates into sugars. Sprouted grains also contain the enzyme phytase, which can prevent mineral absorption.

15 CAUTIONS Bacterial contamination is a potential health hazard in seed sprouting. The fine root structures of sprouts can form a tangled mat that harbors microorganisms. Also, some seeds, such as broccoli and radish, have rough surfaces that make it easy for bacteria to cling to. According to the University of Illinois at Urbana, the time to ensure safe sprouts is when they are still seeds. Commercial sprout manufacturers sanitize seeds before beginning the sprouting process and test every batch, but testing procedures are not 100 percent accurate. 


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