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Presentation on theme: "GEOGRAFI PARIWISATA INTERNASIONAL"— Presentation transcript:


2 Perspektif geografis - perspektif dari seorang ahli geografi yang menjadi perhatian utama pariwisata untuk melihat ke dalam aspek ini adalah melihat dari sisi lokasi geografi seperti tempat, iklim, landscape, lingkungan, perencanaan fisik. Dari hal tersebut di atas maka akan muncul penyediaan fasilitas pariwisata dan fasilitas publik. para pelaku geografi merasa bahwa iklim, lanskap atau atribut fisik dapat menarik turis ke suatu destinasi ,

3 Definisi Geogafi Terjemah bebas, geografi adalah studi mengenai bumi, termasuk ciri-ciri alam, penduduk dan fenomena yang terjadi

4 Ilmu geografi di bagi menjadi dua cabang:
Physical Geography: Geografi Fisik Human Geography: Geografi Manusia

5 Physical geography is divided into three areas of study:
climatology, geomorphology and biogeography

6 Climate is the annual pattern of weather in a place
Climate is the annual pattern of weather in a place. By contrast, weather is the day-to-day condition of the atmosphere. Climate has a major impact in shaping the seasonal distribution of tourist travel to destinations, and the activi- ties they participate in when they are there. Global climate change will have major impacts on the world’s tourism industry as many of the most tourism-dependent economies are located in coastal areas (where sea levels are rising) and in mountain regions (where snow is becoming more rare).

7 Geomorphology is the study of the shape of the earth’s land surfaces and the spatial distribution of continents and islands. This includes plate tectonics, mountain build- ing processes and surface erosion processes. These geologic processes are constantly, albeit slowly, changing the surface of the planet, creating some of the most spectacular scenic and recreation destinations in the world

8 Biogeography is the study of the geo- graphic distribution of plants and animals. Climate and geomorphology define the type of vegetation that would be endemic to a place, although humans have often changed the natural vegetation over time. An understanding of biogeography is essential for the management of most ecotourism destinations and outdoor recreation resources.

9 phenomena of space, place and regional
Human geography phenomena of space, place and regional

10 travel motivation 1.Physical Motivators: The desire for physical rest, sports participation, beach rec- reation, relaxing entertainment and health considerations. 2. Cultural Motivators: The desire for knowledge of other countries, including their music, art, folklore, dances, paintings and religion. 3. Interpersonal Motivators: The desire to meet new people; to visit friends or rela- tives; to escape from routine, family, or neighbors; or to make new friendships away from the home setting; to experience anomie (which refers to social inter- actions in an anonymous setting). 4. Status and Prestige Motivators: The desire for recognition, attention, apprecia- tion and a good reputation among family, friends and acquaintances in the home setting. (This is also referred to as ego enhancement.) Source: Mayo, E.J. and Jarvis, L.P. (1981) The Psychology of Leisure Travel, Effective Marketing and Selling of Travel Services, CBI Publishing, Boston.

11 Ketika orang melakukan perjalanan wisata , maka akan terjadi perpindahan dari satu tempat ke tempat yang lain

12 TOURIST DEMAND demand-side is the market for tourism attractions and facilities. It includes the reasons why people choose to travel, and why they prefer some activities over others.

13 TOURISM SUPPLY The supply-side of tourism refers to the destination resources that are available for the tourist and recreationist. These include facilities and attractions of all kinds (such as sports fields, parks, beaches and entertainment), as well as supporting infrastructure (such as transportation, hotels and restaurants) and services (such as travel agents, and recreation programs and activities).

Nature-based Attractions ■ Panoramas: mountains, sea coast, plains and valleys, arid lands, islands ■ Ecosystems: climate, sanctuaries (national parks nature reserve) ■ Landmarks: geological; biological (flora and fauna), hydrological Mixed Nature-based and Human-based Attractions ■ Oservational Nature: rural and agriculture landscapes, scientific gardens (animals zoos, arboretums rocks), and archeology ■ Participatory Nature: mountain activities (summer and winter), water activities, other outdoor activities ■ Leisure Nature: trails, parks (beach, urban, other), resorts Human-Based Attractions ■ Settlement Infrastructure: utilities (e.g., dams), settlement activities and morphology (retaining, finance, government, education and science, religion), people (way of life, ethnicity) ■ Tourist Infrastructure: forms of access (to and from a destination, tour routes), information and reception (welcome centers), basic needs (accommodations, meals) ■ Leisure Infrastructure: recreation and entertainment (performances, sports related, amusements), culture, history and art (museums, monuments, performances, festivals, cuisine)


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