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Case conference I’ll start my presentation Pf. 주천기 / R3 원재연.

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Presentation on theme: "Case conference I’ll start my presentation Pf. 주천기 / R3 원재연."— Presentation transcript:

1 Case conference I’ll start my presentation Pf. 주천기 / R3 원재연

2 Case 1 400206 서 O 수 M/73 C.C ) Dec. VA(OD) onset) 1yrs
상환 2012년 8월 부터 우안의 시력 저하 있어 local 내원하여 PBK(OD) 진단 받고 치료 받았으나 호전 안되어 각막 이식 원하여 본원 내원함 DM/HBP (-/+): for 15yrs(p.o medi) Ocular op/trauma(+/-): 15년전 Phaco+PCL(OU) at local Eye drop (+) : O-Lotemax x 3, O-Cravit x 3, O-NACLx3, O-SOLx3/OD In the first case A 73-year-old man presented complaining of worsening of vision in his right Eye for 1 year. so he visited local clinic and was diagnosed with PBK and kept applying several eyedrops but symptome didn’t improve at all. According to his past ocular history, he got the cataract surgery of both eye at local clinic before 15yrs

3 Ocular examination VA OD 0.16 (0.2 c ph) OS (1.0+1)
IOP AP OD 14 OS mmHg at 8:00pm EOM Straight at 1' position by H-test , No LOM(OU) Orbit No exophthalmos(OU) Lid OU No swelling Conj. OD not injected OS not injected Cornea OD mild to mod edematous c DM foldings, microbullae(+) OS clear AC OD deep & cell(-) OS deep & cell(-) Pupil OD round & nl sized, LR(+) OS round & nl sized, LR(+), RAPD(-/-) Lens OD PCL in situ OS PCL in situ Fd. OD nl. optic disc c large PPA c flat post. pole OS nl. optic disc c large PPA c flat post. pole Clinical ocular examination disclosed that his best corrected visual acquity was intraocular pressure was normal.

4 Cornea OD mild to mod edematous c DM foldings, diffuse microbullae
On Slit-lamp exam, mild to moderate edematouc c DM folding and diffuse milcrobullae of cornea in right eye was observed Cornea OD mild to mod edematous c DM foldings, diffuse microbullae

5 766 And he got the examination including specular, pachymetry. We could not get the endothelial cell count of his right eye. And we could find the thickness of cornea, the center was 728 um 796 800 728 823

6 DDx Pseudophakic Bullous keratopathy Fuch’s dystrophy
Posterior polymorphorous corneal dystrophy Postoperative corneal edema Based On this background, we considered the several differential diagnosis. In his cornea, because we cannot find guttata, we excluded the Fuch’s dystrophy As you know, In the PPMD, the most characteristic finding is multiple vesicles or blisters , opacity on the posterior cornea, so we can also exclude the PPMD Finally we can exclude the postoperative cornea edema because he hadn’t undergone any procedure recently

7 Impression Plan R/O PBK(OD) DSaEK(OD)
So we diagnosed as PBK , and he got the cornea transplant like Dsaek

8 Follow up (POD#4days) Plan O-GAFx 4, O-FMLONx 4(OD) H-LON 15mg
VA OD 0.1 IOP 16mmHg Conj.) mild injected Cornea) sl. edematous c DM folding(+), well attached endothelium 0.5x0.8 mm sized epidefect A. C) deep & cell(trace), air-bubble at sup. Pupil) round & nl sized Lens) PCL in situ/OD In 4days after operation , The visual acuity was 0.1 and cornea was slight edema with DM folding but well attached endothelium. The patient applied gatiflo , fumelon 4times a day and had 15mg solondo Plan O-GAFx 4, O-FMLONx 4(OD) H-LON 15mg

9 Follow up (POD#2wks) Plan
VA OD 0.32 IOP 21mmHg Conj.) not injected G. Cornea) clear c well attached endothelium AC) deep & cell(-) /OD In 2wks After the operation, The visual acuity was and cornea was clear and well attached endothelium The patient applied same eyedrops 4times a day and In 1month after operation, we checked specular, pachy and got the results that pachy was 509 um, specular 2469 Plan O-GAFx 4, O-FMLONx 4(OD) F-U 2wk POD #1mon pachy 509, specular 2469

10 Case 2 24054562 황 O 오 M/59 C.C ) Dec. VA(OS) onset) 2months
상환 2011년 5월 부터 좌안의 시력 저하 있어 본원 내원하여 PBK(OS) 진 단 받고 Dsaek(OS) 시행받은 후 경과 관찰하던 중 2013년 7 월 부터 좌안의 시력저하 소견 있어 본원 내원함 DM/HBP (-/+): for 2yrs(p.o medi) Ocular op/trauma(+/-): 2004. Phaco+PCL(OS) at 전남대병원 2008. subtenon Triamcinolone inj(OS) d/t CME at 전남대 병원 2009. IVTA inj.(OS) d/t ME at 전남대 병원 DSAEK(OS) by Pf.주천기 <Donor cornea : 8.0mm, Recipient cornea : 8.25mm> Eye drop (+) : O-LON x 4, O-CS x 2/OS In the second case A 59-year-old man presented complaining of worsening of vision in his left eye for 2 months. According to his past ocular history, he got the cataract surgery of Left eye at 전남 university hospital in 2004 And got the subtenon and intravitreal trimacinolon inj of left eye in 2008,2009 respectively. From May , 2011, he was diagonsed with PBK at our hospital and got the cornea transplantation at our hospital in august .2011

11 Ocular examination VA OD 1.0 OS FC10cm(n-c)
IOP AP OD 11 OS mmHg at 8:00pm EOM Straight at 1' position by H-test , No LOM(OU) Orbit No exophthalmos(OU) Lid OU No swelling Conj. OD not injected OS mod injected Cornea OD clear OS mod edematous c DM foldings, diffuse microbulla, stromal opacity at temporal side AC OD deep & cell(-) OS deep & cell(blurry visible) Pupil OD round & nl sized, LR(+) OS round & nl sized, LR(+), RAPD(-/-) Lens OD mild cortical opacity OS PCL in situ Fd. OD nl. optic disc c flat post. pole OS blurry visible d/t corneal opacity Clinical examination disclosed that He can see fingers only near 10cm in lt. eye. intraocular pressure was normal

12 By Slit-lamp exam, mod edematous c DM foldings, diffuse microbullae, stromal opacity at temporal side of left cornea was observed Cornea OS mod edematous c DM foldings, diffuse microbullae, stromal opacity at temporal side

13 984 And he got the examination including cornea endothelial cell count and corneal thickness. We could not get the endothelial cell count of his right eye. And we could find the thickness of cornea, the center was 911 um 1076 911 981 1148

14 Impression Plan R/O Graft failure (OS) Re-DSaEK(OS)
According to ocular exam , specular and pachymetry, He was diagnosed with graft failure , and got re-cornea transplant like Dsaek

15 we masured 5mm by caliper
removal Epithelium by blade and make 5-mm scleral tunnel incision temporally into the clear cornea Place an infusion port in one of the limbal incision Descemet’s membrane was scored in a circular pattern endothelium were stripped by stripping instrument Grasp the folded tissue with a special forceps and insert it through the scleral tunnel incision. Air injected slowly into AC to help unfold the donor tissue with the endothelial side downward and press the donor against recipient. And sutured the Cornea scleral tunnel incision and conjunctiva. Make small stab incision in midperipheral recipient cornea down to the graft interface

16 Follow up (POD#7) VA OS 0.1 IOP 16mmHg Conj.) mild injected c subconj Hm, well approximated wound Cornea) mild edematous c DM folding , well attached endothelium epidefect(+) AC) deep & cell(+), air bubble(-) /OS In 1week After the operation, The visual acuity was 0.1 and cornea was mild edema with DM folding but well attached endothelium

17 Follow up (POD#7) Plan O-MOX x q3hrs, O-LONx q3hr(OS)
And ant segment OCT showed that the endothelium was well attached The patient applied vigamox , predforte per 3hours and had 60mg solondo for 1wk and tappered off Plan O-MOX x q3hrs, O-LONx q3hr(OS) Solondo 60mg#1 for 1wk mg for 1wk mg for 1wk

18 Review

19 Contents Introduction to Endothelial Keratoplasty
1 Introduction to Endothelial Keratoplasty 2 The fundamental basics of DSAEK surgery

20 History of KP In 1906 – Dr. Eduard Konrad Zirm
: The first successful PK on a farmer in Prague who sustained bilateral alkali burns : Bilateral 5 mm grafts from a single donor (11 years old boy who required enucleation)

21 Problems with PK Unpredictable astigmatism Infection Ulceration
Vascularization Rejection Poor Wound Healing: Risk of Rupture

22 Severe Complications of Penetrating Keratoplasty: Suture Problems and Wound Healing Problems
Endophthalmitis: From retained suture fragment Expulsive Hemorrhage: From mild blunt trauma five yeas after PK

23 PK vs EK EK is a disease specific surgery relative to PK
Only replaces the portion that is dysfunctional Safer for patient Better visual results Endothelial keratoplasty

24 Advantages of EK over PK
Mini-invasive (Closed eye during surgery) Minor infections risk Local anesthesia Quick visual rehabilitation Low astigmatism Residual emetropia(~0.5~1.5D) No risk of wound dehiscence(spontaneous or post traumatic) Easy graft substitution Less antigenic stimulus Melles GRJ. Cornea 1998 Price FW Jr. J Refract Surg 2005 Melles GRJ. Cornea 2002, 2004 Terry MA Cornea 2004, 2005 Gorovoy MS Cornea 2006 Koenig SB Ophthalmol 2007 Koenig SB Cornea 2007 Price FW Jr. Cornea 2006


26 Disadvantages of EK More time consuming and difficult procedure due to lamellar dissection Graft dislocation- 5-20% on post-op day 1

27 Contents Introduction to Endothelial Keratoplasty
1 Introduction to Endothelial Keratoplasty 2 The fundamental basics of DSAEK surgery

28 Descemets Stripping Endothelial Keratoplasty (DSAEK)
2005 Price, Gorovoy- eliminated the recipient dissection by just removing descemets membrane and the endothelium Surgeon still had to perform the lamellar dissection on the donor. If it went badly, the tissue was wasted.

29 Indication for DSAEK - Bullous Keratopathy Fuch’s dystrophy - PPMD
ICE syndrome Failed PK grafts

30 Indication for Corneal Transplat.
Indication 1970s (%) 1980s (%) 1990(%) PBK ABK Fuchs Keratoconus Re-grafts Scars Ulcers Corneal dystrophy Chemical Burn Trauma Interstitial keratitis Congenital Virus Other

31 DSAEK Replaced donor dissection with a cut tissue made by an automated lamellar keratome (used for LASIK refractive surgery) Cut can be made by the surgeon or at the eye bank

32 DSaEK Injectors, Inserters, Glides
EndoInjector (Keramed) Neusidl Corneal Inserter (NCI) (Fischer) IDEEL Injector (Kaneka) EndoSaver (EndoSerter) (Ocular Systems Inc) The EndoGlide is a disposable inserter which is devised for safe donor lenticule insertion in DSAEK surgery. Key principles underlying its development include: Minimal endothelial damage during donor preparation and insertion Simplicity in design, and ease of use Full surgeon control of the donor throughout insertion Good stabiity and maintenance of the AC during insertion, and Use in a wide range of simple and complex forms of DSAEK surgery Macaluso Sealing “Glide” (Janach) Al-Ghoul injector FDA Approved 2009 Tan EndoGlide (Network Medical, AngioTech) Daya Endostar (Duckworth & Kent) Rieck Glide(Geuder) 32

33 Tan EndoGlide™ Donor lies coiled up inside a Glide Capsule
Design concept: Simplicity: “thumbdrive in a USB port” The EndoGlide is a disposable inserter which is devised for safe donor lenticule insertion in DSAEK surgery. Key principles underlying its development include: Minimal endothelial damage during donor preparation and insertion Simplicity in design, and ease of use Full surgeon control of the donor throughout insertion Good stabiity and maintenance of the AC during insertion, and Use in a wide range of simple and complex forms of DSAEK surgery First commercially available disposable inserter Utilizes “pull-through” glide principle Approved FDA Class 1 medical device CE Mark attained in Europe – June 2009 Launched in the US at 2009 AAO meeting Over 3000 cases performed worldwide Clinical data : over 24 months follow-up Marketed by Network Medical Products and AngioTech (USA) 33

34 Surgical Procedure 1) Epithelium removal and 5-mm scleral tunnel incision temporally into the clear cornea 2) Descemet’s membrane was scored in a circular pattern under the area of the epithelial reference mark using a modified Price–Sinskey hook or Moria. The EndoGlide is a disposable inserter which is devised for safe donor lenticule insertion in DSAEK surgery. Key principles underlying its development include: Minimal endothelial damage during donor preparation and insertion Simplicity in design, and ease of use Full surgeon control of the donor throughout insertion Good stabiity and maintenance of the AC during insertion, and Use in a wide range of simple and complex forms of DSAEK surgery 34

35 Surgical Procedure 3) Descemet’s membrane and endothelium were stripped from within the scored area using a 45° or 90° Descemet’s stripping instrument 4) The posterior donor tissue is folded over plate with a 40/60 overfold, with the endothelial side inward with small amount of Healon before folding. The EndoGlide is a disposable inserter which is devised for safe donor lenticule insertion in DSAEK surgery. Key principles underlying its development include: Minimal endothelial damage during donor preparation and insertion Simplicity in design, and ease of use Full surgeon control of the donor throughout insertion Good stabiity and maintenance of the AC during insertion, and Use in a wide range of simple and complex forms of DSAEK surgery 35

36 5) Grasp the folded tissue with a special forceps and insert it through the scleral tunnel incision.
6) Air injected slowly into AC to help unfold the donor tissue with the endothelial side downward and press the donor against recipient.

37 7) Air was completely filled at the AC for 10 minutes
8) Corneal surface massaged with Lasik roller to center the donor tissue and help remove fluid from donor/recipient interface

38 9) Make small stab incision in midperipheral recipient cornea down to the
graft interface

39 Large air bubble is left in the eye
at the end of surgery Patient is to be supine the rest of the day and night If the bubble is too big pupillary block glaucoma can occur

40 Techniques to Promote Donor Tissue Adherence
Precut: trimming thick donor edge Air injected slowly into AC to prevent the insertion of air at the between donor disc and recipient Anterior chamber was left filled with air Cornea surface massage with LASIK flap roller Make small stab incision in midperipheral recipient cornea down to the graft interface

41 Techniques to Promote Donor Tissue Adherence
Air injected slowly into AC to prevent the insertion of air at the between donor disc and recipient. Air was suddenly filled at the AC, then small amount of air was inserted at the between donor disc and recipient.

42 Price et al, Ophthalmology, November, 2006 Descemet’s Stipping With EndothelialKeratoplasty eyes Ophthalmology 2006;113:1936–1942 Microkeratome vs Manual Dissection of Donor Tissue - 69% vs 55% had >20/40 vision after 6 months - 0.5% vs 5% early graft failure

43 Complications Donor detachment and graft failure
Perforation of Descemet’s membrane during posterior lamellar dissection Postoperative pupillary block Donor tissue not centered in the posterior recipient bed Pseudo-anterior chamber created by the presence of aqueous humor between donor and recipient stroma

44 The Causes of Complete Dislocation
Improper unfolding, requiring removal and re-insertion, was the most significant risk factor for tissue dislocation and graft failure. Intra-operative inability to maintain the anterior chamber and post-operative trauma(eye rubbing) By Felix Y. Chau, Alan N. Carlson (2007 ASCRS)

45 The Causes of Complete Dislocation
Compression to upper marign Excessive air bubble Excessive air bubble injection Displacement of donor button Why ? Excessive remnant air bubbles compress the upper margin of donor disc at sitting position and donor disc was displaced from the recipient surface. 2) When excessive air bubble was injected in AC suddenly, some air get into the between donor button and recipient. 3) We trimmed the margin of donor disc in this case. There might be potential gap at between precut-margin of donor disc and recipient.

46 Conclusions Advantages of DSaEK
– Predictable corneal power and astigmatism – Tectonically strong globe – Faster visual recovery Disadvantages of DSaEK – Potential interface effects on post-op VA – Technically more demanding/time-consuming – Secondary surgery rate higher

47 Summary Rapid visual recovery and minimal change in astigmatism
Donor detachment is most common early postoperative challenge and more studies are needed to further reduce rates DSaEK is a safe and effective procedure and should be the procedure of choice for patients with endothelial dysfunction.

48 Thank YOU FOR listening

49 Post-operative air bubble pressing donor tissue against recipient cornea.

50 Repositioning Donor Tissue
-AC fluid removed with 30-gauge needle -Air injected to fill the AC and push donor tissue up against the recipient cornea -Air removal and replacement of BSS after 1-2hr

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