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Mobility in Italy Istituto Comprensivo “Joseph Stella” – Muro Lucano

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Presentation on theme: "Mobility in Italy Istituto Comprensivo “Joseph Stella” – Muro Lucano"— Presentation transcript:

1 Erasmus+ Project DIRES Disability-Inclusive schools- Respect-Europe- Social dialogue
Mobility in Italy Istituto Comprensivo “Joseph Stella” – Muro Lucano 6-12/03/2016 Presentation of the ISC school Passage de Graville La Ville du Bois FRANCE

2 Summary Where are we coming from? Our ISC school in France near Paris
Where are we going to? The hostschool in Italy Some French Famous disabled people Presentation of two French famous disabled people Mimie Mathy, Actress Stéphane Oudet, Tennisman

3 Where are we coming from ?

4 France


6 School : 990 students ULIS :10 students High School: 530 students
The courtyard of the college of Alzon School : 990 students ULIS :10 students High School: 530 students The courtyard of the high school Jean-Paul II Teachers : 90 1 ecological class 1 spanish class 1 equator class 1 heritage class

7 Where are we going to ?

8 Our hostschool in Muro Lucano
ITALY From March 6th till 12th 2016 Our hostschool in Muro Lucano

9 Some French famous disabled people

10 Actor Patrick DUQUESNE trisomy 21. In 1995 it a great success thanks to the "eighth day" Dressmaker Romain Brifault Asperger's syndrome, a form of autism Cook Born with agenesis (absence of formation of an organ during embryogenesis) of the left forearm French actress and comedian Mimie Mathy Suffering from achondroplasia, a bone disease that impairs growth and leads to dwarfism.

11 Presentation of two French famous disabled people

12 WHO AM I ? A boy ? A girl ?

13 I AM A GIRL ! I was born on July 8th, 1957 My name is Michèle MATHY
In France in Lyon My name is Michèle MATHY My pseudo is Mimie MATHY

14 I’m 1.32 m tall As well as I’m affected of achondroplasie
MIMIE MATHY I’m 1.32 m tall As well as I’m affected of achondroplasie

15 and a well known actress
MIMIE MATHY I’m an humorist and a well known actress Year’s 1980 : Petit Théâtre de Bouvard Festival of Cannes in 1993

16 MIMIE MATHY One woman’s shows 2002 1994 2013

17 MIMIE MATHY Some TV films 1994 1995 1998 1998 2000 2004 2005 2010

18 I’m involved in human associations
MIMIE MATHY I’m involved in human associations My most famous TV film 2003 : Golden 7 for the best actress

19 Stéphane HOUDET He is a tennisman 45 years old
After a motorbike accident he lost his left leg, so he is in a wheelchair He won Roland Garros in 2013 In 2009, the French President Nicolas Sarkosy decorated him with the French Légion d’Honneur

20 A champion In 2011, he won the Italian Internazional tennis championship in Roma, in single and on clay

21 The Olympic games in Pekin and London
In 2008 in Pekin, he won the gold medal in double at the Olympic games In 2012 in London he won the sliver medal in single also at the Olympic games

22 A great life He has 4 children
Before his motorbike accident in 1996, he was a vet He is now an advisor for disability in the French National Center of Sport and Defence

23 PowerPoint presentation Famous disabled people :
Passage de Graville F La Ville du Bois Essonne - France PowerPoint presentation Famous disabled people : Thomas DASSONVALLE, 4 G ISC : Léa DIAS, 4 H Léa PINATON, 4 G Léa MEDRANO, 4 G Jérémie LAVILLONNIERE, 4 E With Mrs Villet, Educator at the ISC School

24 Our French delegation: Léa, Léa, Léa, Thomas, Jérémy, students
Danielle, Nicole, Marie Anatolie , ISC La Ville du Bois, France

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