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1 Christianity

2 What is Christianity? A diverse, 2000 year old religion
Followed by almost 1/3 of the world’s population 2.1 billion Based on the life, teachings, death and resurrection of Jesus Believed to be the Christ (messiah, savior) by his followers (thus called “Christians”)

3 Major Divisions Protestant Anglican Roman Catholic 365 million
1.1 billion Eastern Orthodox 217 million Protestant 365 million Anglican 80 million

4 The Historical Jesus Born, lived, and died a Jew in the first century in Roman occupied Palestine Knowledge of his life is based on New Testament Little is known of childhood Baptized at age 30 by John (“the Baptist”)


6 Jesus’ History, continued
Then began a mission of preaching, teaching, and healing as an itinerant teacher Had a following of 12 primary disciples Also known as the Twelve Apostles Peter, James, John, Andrew, Bartholomew, James the Younger, Judas, Jude, Matthew, Philip, Simon, and Thomas

7 Jesus’ Death Put on trial for being a revolutionary & a political threat to Roman authorities Roman governor of Judea, Pontius Pilate condemned and put to death by means of crucifixion The following Sunday, He appeared to his followers as a triumph over death Later ascended into Heaven

8 Jesus’ Teachings Focused on the kingdom of God
Standards of human conduct Merciful God—how people should treat each otherGolden Rule Personal God --“Our Father” Known as miracle worker and faith healer Religious and social reformer Accepted a variety of people Preached forgiveness of sin over punishment for sin Turn the other cheek

9 Scripture Old Testament (the Hebrew Bible)
New Testament (written after Jesus’ death, by his followers, during the first century) Four gospels (“good words”) about the birth, life, teaching, acts, death, and resurrection of Jesus. Written by Mark, Matthew, Luke & John The Book of Acts of the apostles – earliest history of the developing church Epistles (“letters”) of Paul addressed to the churches they founded and led throughout the Mediterranean The Book of Revelation – of John - a vision of the end of time, or the Apocalypse.

10 Beliefs and Customs Baptism: outward sign of commitment to Jesus
Eucharist (communion): symbolic meal of Jesus’ last meal with disciples; taken in thanks and celebration Trinity: belief in God as the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost; not 3 different gods Saints: celebrated people who led good lives, often associated with miracles

11 Other Beliefs Original sin: all humanity is inherently separated from God The sacrifice of Jesus – a sinless representative of humanity (a “scapegoat”) - as the ultimate atonement for the sins of humanity Heaven and Hell: Eternal life for those who are “saved by the blood of the lamb (Jesus)” Eternal damnation for those who are not so saved

12 Christian Holy Days Two major seasons in the Christian calendar:
Christmas – celebrating the birth of Jesus Easter – commemorating the resurrection of Christ Christmas: Advent (four weeks leading up to Christmas day) Christmas Day (December 25th) Epiphany (the “twelfth day of Christmas”)

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