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Emotional Characteristics for blood glucose meter

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1 Emotional Characteristics for blood glucose meter

2 Physical My product is a blood glucose meter used by diabetics to test their blood glucose levels that can be worn on the wrist to make it easier to test when on the go. The physical interaction between the product and the user is very important as they will be wearing the product frequently, so I feel it is vital the product is physically appealing to allow the user to connect with it emotionally. The product will have a smooth shiny finish, so it will feel nice to touch and hold. It will also be black so it doesn’t stand out, therefore is still discreet, but has a sleek high quality look. It will be something that the user enjoys wearing, and not just a necessity for health reasons.

3 Psychological Diabetes can be a difficult disease to deal with and control. It can lead to many psychological issues such as depression. I want my product to help people realize they can gain control of diabetes rather than the disease controlling them. I hope it will make them feel confident, and like the can achieve anything. My product is unique from other meters as you wear it on the wrist, so it is not immediately obvious you are carrying something medical around which some diabetics find difficult to deal with. It will be discreet, and easy to test when on the go. I hope this will make the user feel less restricted with the condition in every day life.

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