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It is winter. It is cold. It is snow..

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Presentation on theme: "It is winter. It is cold. It is snow.."— Presentation transcript:

1 It is winter. It is cold. It is snow.

2 Water freeze at 0 Water freezes. It becomes ice. The ship is stuck
in the ice.

3 Flower and plants. Flowers do not grow. The sun is not shining.
Trees and plants can not transport nutrition. Plants need water

4 Spring Wood Anemone A tree in the farmyard.

5 Animals in springtime A bear in the sun. A squirrel .

6 Water melts in the sun. A lake. An iceberg is melting away.

7 Summer Ladybirds fly around us. Trees bloom in the sun.

8 The sun and the water. The sun is warm. We have ice-cream.

9 The birds and the fish can stay in the water.

10 We can swim in the warm water.

11 It is Summertime. The flowers bloom. Everything is green around us,
more flowers grow…

12 Autumn The trees change their coloures. The leaves fall on the ground.

13 The sun and the water. The water becomes cold.
The sun is turned away from the earth. The water becomes cold.

14 Animals collect food. Animals lay eggs. Animals get a thicker fur
Animals collect food Animals lay eggs. Animals get a thicker fur Animals fly to warmer Bears go to a bear pit countries.

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