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Ureteropelvic Junction Obstruction

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1 Ureteropelvic Junction Obstruction
Jabbari A, MD Urology Department Tabriz University of Medical Sciences

2 درمان UPJO اهداف درس: آشنایی با هیدرونفروز پری ناتال و UPJO
روش ارزیابی : تئوری بیشتر بصورت MCQ عملی بصورت استفاده از فرمهای Logbook

3 The diagnosis of “ureteropelvic junction obstruction” results in a functionally significant impairment of urinary transport from the renal pelvis to the ureter. Most cases are congenital, the problem may not become clinically apparent until much later in life. Acquired conditions: Stone disease Postoperative or inflammatory stricture Urothelial neoplasm

4 Most abdominal masses originate in genitourinary organs in the neonatal period.

5 The basic features of UPJO in the fetus include dilation of the renal pelvis and collecting system with no evidence of ureteral dilation. UPJO is the most common cause of significant dilation of the collecting system in the fetal kidney. Obstruction occurs more commonly in boys than in girls

6 In neonates and infants, the diagnosis of UPJO has generally been suggested either by routine maternal ultrasonography or by the finding of a flank mass. In either setting, renal ultrasonography is usually the first radiographic study performed.




10 Diuretic renography remains a commonly used study for diagnosing UPJO because it provides quantitative data regarding differential renal function and obstruction, even in hydronephrotic renal units. DTPA MAG3 (the preferred isotope)


12 Etiology The precise cause of UPJO remains elusive: embryologic, anatomic, functional, and histologic. A narrowing of the UPJ is a result of developmental arrest or of an incomplete recanalization of the ureter ?? Intrinsic : (Presence of an aperistaltic segment of the ureter) Extrinsic


14 Secondary UPJO UPJ obstruction may also be seen with severe vesicoureteral reflux (VUR). The ureter elongates and develops a torturous course in response to the reflux. kink may develop in the UPJ area, and may cause an obstruction secondarily

15 Associated Anomalies Congenital renal malformations are commonly seen in association with UPJ obstruction. UPJO is the most common anomaly encountered in the opposite kidney; 10% to 40% of cases. Renal dysplasia Multicystic kidney Unilateral renal agenesis in 5% of children

16 Indications for Intervention
Indications for intervention for UPJO include: Presence of symptoms Impairment of renal function or ipsilateral function Development of stones or infection Hypertension The primary goal of intervention is relief of symptoms and preservation or improvement of renal function.

17 Options for Intervention
Endourologic Laparoscopic and Robotic Open Operation

18 Endourologic Management
Endopyelotomy Antegrade Retrograde Indications (same) Contraindications include a long segment (>2 cm), active infection, or untreated coagulopathy. The advantages of endourologic approaches include reduced hospital stays and postoperative recovery. The success rate ( %) does not approach that of open, laparoscopic, or robotic pyeloplasty.


20 Laparoscopic Pyeloplasty
In the hands of the experienced laparoscopic surgeons, has lower patient morbidity, shorter hospitalization, and faster convalescence. The success rates matching those of open pyeloplasty (≥90%). Absolute contraindications include: Uncorrected coagulopathy Active urinary tract infection Cardiopulmonary problems

21 Open Operative Intervention
The success rate is %. Dismembered Pyeloplasty Foley Y-V-Plasty Culp-DeWeerd Spiral Flap Scardino-Prince Vertical Flap

22 Dismembered Pyeloplasty


24 Foley Y-V-Plasty

25 Culp-DeWeerd Spiral Flap

26 Scardino-Prince Vertical Flap


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