Christian Carter Performance For University of Bristol

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1 Christian Carter Performance For All @ University of Bristol
Can we improve organisational performance? Christian Carter Performance For University of Bristol

2 Absolutely..! The Performance For All Project

3 The Challenge “The challenge that we face, alongside the rest of the ‘public’ sector, is how to maximise the performance potential of every member of staff, so that we as an organisation are able to meet the demanding strategic objectives that we face both in the immediate and long term future”

4 Higher Education Challenges...
Move from ‘tax’ to ‘consumer’ funding system Changing demands (customers, clients and stakeholders) Competition (inc HE in FE) and increasing role of the private sector in provision Internationalisation / Brand / Reputation Opportunities presented by technology and social media Changing needs of a modern workforce Elimination of the ‘job for life’ culture Rise of the ‘knowledge worker’

5 What have we been doing? Annual appraisal (no evidence it adds value)
1:1’s (sometimes, but vague) Job Descriptions (moment in time – out of date) Grades and profiles (essentially a JE tool) ‘Performance management’ process (stick for the few) Training programmes (‘scatter gun’ at best) Luck (probably a big slice of) Pretty much the same as always

6 How people tell us “its not working”
“Our Staff Review and Appraisal Process is seen as box ticking” “We find it difficult to communicate our plans so our people are engaged” “We need a way to embed new behaviours with staff” “We have poor links between staff training needs and strategic objectives” “Our reward strategy needs to recognise excellence better” “We want to know where our ‘emerging talent’ is” “We want to introduce our new staff better to the organisation” We want to be better

7 Greater than the sum of parts

8 Factors affecting individual performance?

9 Management Objectives
Need a change of practice? Currently… Management Objectives Team Objectives

10 A change of practice? The future… Individual Team Student Faculty
University Team Student Faculty Individual The future…

11 PFA thinking differently to offer a way forward
Automate ‘process’ from the centre via web Significantly improving the quality and impact of goal setting Link individual, team, department and organisational goals. Ensure that people, teams and the organisation are ‘on target’ Use Management data to automatically start the right conversations Communicate, monitor and highlight training in areas Promote competency and behaviour frameworks that add value Deliver better corporate succession planning Provide ‘dashboard’ for future local metrics, tools and KPIs Offer a tool that is simple and good value to purchase with no training Create something ‘bespoke’ to different internal audiences

12 Project overview Co-ordinated by University of Bristol (est. Aug 11), open to HE (and FE) internationally. Steering Group of 6 HR Directors Developing the requirements for an education specific Performance Management system. Exploring the challenges to create a realistic and achievable implementation path. Supported by IT/OD Specialists

13 Return on investment? 34% of time at work is spent on tasks that have limited impact on organisational goals 2% productivity improvement would equate to an efficiency saving / reinvestment opportunity here of £446k p.a (Based on £22m staff costs) Effective objective setting can improve productivity by up to 56%

14 Local Evaluation 85% do not want to return to the ‘old’ process
Understanding dept goals rose from 38% to 68% 68% of people found the new process helpful in supporting the setting of goals 76% of people found the new process helpful in understanding essential training

15 PFA Partners Receive Share best practice, ideas and resources
Networking events Web resources Membership contact details The software – user, developer, partner A Simitive client account manager

16 The Project Team                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Our Partners

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