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Unit 3 Chapter 6 Lesson 1 Day 1

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1 Unit 3 Chapter 6 Lesson 1 Day 1

2 Possible Questions valley trade fort
Write three questions that you think may be able to be answered by the information in today’s lesson using the following three words: valley trade fort Please share your questions your partner.

3 In the mid-1700s, colonists continued to move west into the Ohio River Valley.

4 The French also claimed the land in the Ohio River Valley.

5 The French wanted control for their fur trade
The French wanted control for their fur trade. They traded with the Native Americans in the region.

6 The British started trading more with the Native Americans, and paid higher prices for the fur than the French did.

7 This made the French mad because it hurt their business, so they started building forts in the area.

8 Share what you wrote with a partner.
What Do You Think??? Why do you think the French started building forts in the Ohio River Valley? What were they going to do? Write three sentences explaining your thinking. Share what you wrote with a partner.

9 In 1753 the French built Fort Presque Isle (Erie) and Fort Le Boeuf (Waterford).

10 In 1754 they built Fort Duquesne. (Pittsburgh)
*It was actually on the site of a fort the British were starting to build.

11 These forts angered the British, and they wanted the French to leave
These forts angered the British, and they wanted the French to leave. But the Quakers in charge of Pennsylvania at the time did not want to attack the French forts.

12 The governor of the Virginia colony, Robert Dinwiddie, wanted the land of the Ohio River Valley for Virginia.

13 Remember, the colonies did not have the same borders in the 1750s as our states do today.

14 Dinwiddie sent a young man from the British army named George Washington to Fort Le Boeuf to tell them to leave. The French refused.

15 Summarize today’s lesson using one word.
Whip around Summarize today’s lesson using one word.

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