Fiscal Administrators Meeting February 8, 2017 Partner 4 Change

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Presentation on theme: "Fiscal Administrators Meeting February 8, 2017 Partner 4 Change"— Presentation transcript:

1 Fiscal Administrators Meeting February 8, 2017 Partner 4 Change
Write down a time when there was a change in the way you performed your job that resulted in an improvement: Implemented a new system 18 comments New Leader resulted in dept. changes comments Implemented new tips & tricks comments Other improvement examples included: Got rid of paper, Travel project, Pcard/Scanning, UBI, RUVA, Faculty , Home, Website, jobshare, support person What is something that helped you make this change and improved the way you work? Instructor-led Training 18 comments On-line Training comments Seize Opportunities / Be Open minded 9 comments Support from Help desk person / LSP 8 comments Management Support comments Other helpful examples included: Understand WHY?, Job position manuals, Get involved, Mentor with experienced coworkers, Become a SME /Ambassador Write down the specific impacts to your daily tasks that you are expecting: Service orientation; anchor in mission Expense Mgmt UBI Concern about learning curve of faculty (scanning, receipts) Customized reports takes a lot longer, how to bookmark, share reports, printing, formatting Concern about learning curve of ambassadors; Have time to teach others? Managers support time? Custom reports are faster; more efficient; PI access to more info and faster reports Expense is easier and will reduce amount of paper How do I do the work that I do today? More documentation will be required Not as good with MAC and Excel – formatting is difficult 2/8/2017

2 Fiscal Administrators Meeting Partner 4 Change
Write down what YOU can do right now, to prepare yourself or your group for the changes you identified: Take additional training – work with manager to allow extra time for training Prepare dept to understand the impact – work with manager to develop a plan for your dept. or unit to handle the job changes coming Start using the new functionality right away Model positive behavior and mentor with others Work on being a subject matter expert (SME) in the new system What do you need from us? What topics or platforms would be helpful in preparing you for new ways of working at the University? # Evaluations completed– 60 I would like to have future discussions on the following topics: Crucial Conversations – 21 Managing Transitions - 26 Taking Control of Change - 23 Other topics: Accounting issues Handling multiple issues at once Multi-channel communication Expense tool rollout/best practices Best practices for implementation Transparency in communications Comment: Why so many changes at the same time? No other discussions needed – 10 No response – 12 Service orientation; anchor in mission 2/8/2017

3 Fiscal Administrators Meeting Partner 4 Change
I would prefer to get information using the following platforms (they were asked to rank the choices from 1 = Top choice to 4 = Lowest choice): Instructor-led classroom 1 = 37 2 = 10 3 = 3 4 = 2 Not ranked but checked = 4 Discussions during or prior to FA meeting 1 = 8 2 = 18 3 = 18 4 = 4 Not ranked but checked = 6 Online 1 = 3 2 = 14 3 = 12 4 = 19 Not ranked but checked = 2 Discussions with manager and team in a group setting 1 = 7 2 = 7 3 = 13 Not ranked but checked = 0 2/8/2017

4 Fiscal Administrators Meeting Partner 4 Change
I would like to have access to: Videos –32 Books – 15 Webinars – 40 Other: Person I can call if I have a question (2) One-on-one chat People with knowledge PDFs, Online guides (2) Procedures manuals that assumes beginner level Quick reference guides One-on-one training (2) Classroom instructor-led training (2) The discussion provided ideas/actions that will help me through upcoming changes 5 = 21 4 = 16 3 = 17 2 = 2 1 = 3 No answer = 1 Overall value of event 5 = 26 4 = 14 3 = 14 No answer = 1  Service orientation; anchor in mission 2/8/2017

5 Fiscal Administrators Meeting Partner 4 Change
Other comments: Great idea; good first step on the communication path I am available to lead presentation/discussions on multi-channel communication In person teaching of these new systems; this is a public learning university I am already pro-change! UVA needs to offer instructor-led classes for all Oracle, UBI modules as well as Excel, Word, Access courses. We also need direct contact for questions/issues rather than contacting help desk and waiting for an that still doesn’t answer your questions. Great ideas/comments One long comment – As office manager, HRMS Specialist, Building Facilitator, and Exec. Asst. to the Dean, in the last year I have been trained or informed of the following changes: Handshake (replaced CavLink) Workday UBI/Expense reporting and FWS TravelUVA Sustainability/Recycling efforts Branding Security Access I say this to help present the challenges we face in getting support from managers for training and encourage all departments to work together to communicate changes within our community. Thank you for all you are doing to make these transitions successful!  Service orientation; anchor in mission 2/8/2017

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