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Rudolf Niessler Smart & Sustainable Growth and Southern Europe

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Presentation on theme: "Rudolf Niessler Smart & Sustainable Growth and Southern Europe"— Presentation transcript:

1 Setting the scene for S3 Partnerships Kick-Off Event Smart Specialisation Platform Agri-Food
Rudolf Niessler Smart & Sustainable Growth and Southern Europe DG Regio - European Commission Florence, 6 December 2016

2 Overview Why this is an important initiative
Feed the world: challenges for agricultural productivity and sustainability; need for overhaul of our food systems TSSP Agri-Food uses a value chain approach to connect agro and food sectors, to connect research and market, to demonstrate solutions with bottom-up cooperation What is special about the TSSP Agri-Food Smart Specialisation as transformation strategy in the regions through targeted innovation and demonstrating new solutions based on strengths Partnerships for bottom-up interregional cooperation in EU value chains (commitment inspired by the Vanguard Initiative) Investment Pipeline to accelerate private investments for new growth opportunities (inspired by the European Investment Plan) How will we proceed Further work at this Event Perspectives

R&I priorities for economic transformation New EU Agro-Food Value-Chains EIP AGRI RIS3 FOOD 2030 Food System approach Challenge-driven Demonstration of solutions Using S3 complementarities

Thematic Smart Specialisation Platforms: 3 layers S3 PARTNERSHIPS INVESTMENT PIPELINE

5 S3 PLATFORM '2.0': implementation
S3 Implementation S3 Investments 121 RIS3 ready: Community of Practice € 41 billion earmarked for RIS3 Capacity Building effective Innovation Systems Diagnostic Monitoring & Governance for EDP Interregional Cooperation

6 Interregional cooperation
S3 - PARTNERSHIPS Interregional cooperation Alignment Bottom-up Mobilisation Commitment

Integrated EU Suppport Synergies in practice Tailored approach Focus on Pilots & Demonstration

8 Next Steps Perspectives
May 2017 Communication on Smart Specialisation S3 Investments Partnerships Working Arrangements EU Support Instruments KIC Food KICKOFF Smart Regions Event June H2020 Calls

9 Questions and Answers

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