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Hellison’s 5 levels Knowledge of accepting personal responsibility to maintain a physically and emotionally safe and non-threatening environment!

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Presentation on theme: "Hellison’s 5 levels Knowledge of accepting personal responsibility to maintain a physically and emotionally safe and non-threatening environment!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Hellison’s 5 levels Knowledge of accepting personal responsibility to maintain a physically and emotionally safe and non-threatening environment!

2 Purpose To take responsibility for your own well-being and for contributing to the well-being of others. The levels are adapted and based on Don Hellison’s Model of “Teaching Responsibility through Physical Activity”

3 Theme Integration - Teaching life skills and values must be integrated with the physical activity subject matter rather than be taught separately we’ll use this in activities AND classwork/projects Transfer - Lessons learned in P.E must applicable to transfer into other aspects of lives This knowledge is important for home, work, sports, friends, other classes, etc. Empowerment - Instructional strategies based on a gradual shift of responsibility from the program leader to the participants You don’t need ME for this; get out there and be awesome on your own! Integration- -Authentic context Boys issues Coaching comments Transfer- Primary Teachers have a great opportunity here! Transfer in P.E. lessons does not happen automatically. Read NZ Health Curriculum Document Aims Page 7 Empowerment-. This is a challenge for traditional teachers, it takes a real shift in their thinking and challenges many of their beliefs. However, using the accordion principle and the idea that less is more it can be manage in a non threaten way. It starts with the “want” Teacher- Student Relationship- Ginott quote “ I have come to the frightening conclusion…”or any of these convictions to be successful the teacher must recognise and respect the students Strengths and successes bot just weaknesses,individuality,opinions ( they have important thoughts and feelings) capacity to make wise decisions

4 Level 1: Irresponsible/ Egocentric
Blames others Name calling Disruptive Rude Makes excuses Doesn’t take responsibility for actions Doesn’t play by the rules    Aggressive behavior Does not listen or participate Prevents others from learning

5 Level 2: Self Control/Respect
Doesn’t call names Controls temper Doesn’t disrupt class Puts head down in class or sleeps Listens, but does not actively participate Really does not put forth any effort Cruises in neutral, but doesn’t bother anyone Hangs out on sidelines during activities (We all need a level 2 day from time to time)

6 Level 3: Involvement/Participation
Listens and sort of follows directions Shows respect and at least minimal participation Stays on task only when teacher is watching Willing to try and is partially involved in activities Participates with reservation Needs constant reminding

7 Level 4: Self Responsibility/ Self-Direction
Works their hardest but worried about self and not necessarily the group Shows respect Makes good choices Honest and fair Admits mistakes and apologizes Works on activities independent of teacher           Works with others to settle issue quickly GREAT for individual assignments/activities

8 Level 5: Caring Exhibits all of Level 4 … PLUS
Willingly works well with everyone in the class Appropriately compliments & encourages others Takes care of equipment Asks and provides assistance to teacher and other students Concerned with the progress of others and overall success of team/group Ideal teammate/classmate

9 Level 5: Caring Level 1: Irresponsible Self Control Level 3:
-Blames others -Name calling -Disruptive -Negative -Makes excuses -Does not play by the rules    -Aggressive behavior -Does not listen or participate         Level 2: Self Control -Does not call names -Controls temper -Does not disrupt class -Listens, but does not actively -participate -Really does not put forth any effort -Cruising in neutral, but not bothering anybody Level 3:  Involvement   -Listens and follows direction -Shows at least minimal respect -Stays on task only when teacher is watching -Willing to try and are involved in activities -Participates with reservation   Level 4:  Self-Responsibility -Shows respect -Makes good choices -Honest and fair -Admits mistakes and apologizes -Works on activities independent of teachers            -Works with other to settle argument quickly Level 5: Caring -Exhibits all of level four -Works with everyone in the class willing -Compliments and encourages others -Takes care of equipment -Asks and provides assistance to teacher and other student -Concerned with the progress of others

10 The Levels at a Glance Level 1: lack of self-control, non-team player. Level 2: Self-control and peaceful conflict solving. Level 3: Getting along, being self– starter, trying new tasks. Level 4: Being on-task, setting and sticking to personal goals and resisting peer pressure. Level 5: Showing caring, sensitivity and concern for others in the class. Level 6: Taking Personal and Social Responsibility OUTSIDE the Gym, integrating values into other areas of life, being a role model

11 Emotional Intelligence
The ability to monitor one’s own and other peoples’ emotions, to discriminate between different emotions and label them appropriately, and to use emotional information to guide thinking and behavior.

12 Empathy The capacity to recognize emotions that are being experienced by another being. One may need to have a certain amount of empathy before being able to experience accurate sympathy or compassion.

13 Sympathy The perception, understanding, and reaction to the distress or need of another life One does not have had to gone through the same experience to “understand” what it might be like

14 In other words: be awesome, compassionate, and work hard.
The End.

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