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UKOUG Partner Guidelines Updated 28th March 2017

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1 UKOUG Partner Guidelines Updated 28th March 2017

2 Partner Guidelines Table of Contents
UKOUG Partner landscape – Competitive and Complimentary Partner categories Partner presentations Sponsor Exhibitor Member benefit presentations Partner presentations submitted on merit Event requirements Events Conference Third party products Membership levels UKOUG

3 Partner Guidelines Partner Guidelines Overview
The competitive Partner landscape is complicated and regularly changes as Oracle and our Partners develop and acquire new products. We need to consider in the context of every UKOUG Project/ Event, to fully understand the impact on all our stakeholders; members, Oracle and our Partners. The same Partner can fall into several categories at different times. The project brief is where we define the event , our key messages and our member offering. This will be completed before event sales marketing is launched and shared with Oracle. Any subsequent changes affecting the relationship between a Partner and Oracle will be referred to the UKOUG steering group. We need our volunteer committees to consider the competitive Partner landscape as part of the project brief process. To ensure we fully understand all potential conflicts of involving competitive partners in the event . UKOUG

4 Partner Guidelines Partner Categories
Category 1 - Products and Services that compliment the customers Oracle environment E.g. Services - Hadoop, IBM Global Services Category 2 - Products and Services that compliment the customers Oracle environment but compete with another Oracle product E.g. VMware, IBM iSeries (AS400) Category 3 - Products and Services that are directly competitive E.g. IBM DB2, Workday UKOUG

5 Partner Guidelines SPONSOR
Where a partner sponsors an event, whether uniquely or as one of many sponsors, each sponsor is allowed to present any subject matter they feel is of relevance. Content must be complimentary - how they add value to Oracle investment, not anti Oracle. They must still submit the paper in the same way as all other presenters but the event committee is not able to prevent the partner giving the presentation The only reason a presentation could be “blocked” would be if the content was considered to bring UKOUG into disrepute. It is then the Commercial teams responsibility to communicate this to the partner. This CAN be a sales-pitch. The quantity of Sponsor presentations must be allocated in the agenda grid prior to agenda planning meeting. The committee and the commercial team need to agree a timeline for filling or releasing these slots to not impact on the success of the event delivery. Qualifying Partner Categories : Cat1 & Cat2 UKOUG

6 Partner Guidelines EXHIBITOR
Where a partner is exhibiting at an event and has been allocated a presentation slot on merit it is up to the committee and partner to agree a presentation topic and content that is acceptable to all. This CANNOT be a sales-pitch UKOUG

Where a partner is only attending as a delegate and the partner is not sponsoring or exhibiting at an event they must follow the same procedure and be subject to the same selection procedure as all other would-be presenters. This CANNOT be a sales-pitch If presentations are submitted by multiple partners the highest scoring paper will be selected. If more than one partner submits similar extracts and the committee does not believe any one is better, then the selection must be made on the basis of the partners membership engagement with UKOUG On completion of agenda planning it is important that the Project Manager sanity checks the agenda in conjunction with the committee, this to ensure partner presentation allocations is relevant to both the agenda balance and the Partner’s UKOUG engagement level If there are concerns raised over the number of presentations allocated to any one partner it will be discussed with the committee and an agreement reached on the best way to proceed. UKOUG

8 Partner Guidelines EVENT GUIDELINES
Two to Six, Sponsor presentation slots must be allocated on the agenda grid, quantity is dependant on the number of streams and duration of the event. One partner membership speaking slot allocated on the agenda grid Partners cannot exceed two presentation slots per event, this can be made up of the below scenarios Sponsor + agenda selection Partner member benefit + agenda selection Agenda selection + Co presenting with a customer Agenda selection + agenda selection On completion of agenda planning it is important that the Project Manager sanity checks the agenda in conjunction with the committee, this to ensure partner presentation allocations is relevant to both the agenda balance and the Partner’s engagement level with UKOUG UKOUG

9 Partner Guidelines EVENT GUIDELINES CONT.
If there are concerns raised over the number of presentations allocated to any one partner it will be discussed with the committee and an agreement reached on the best way to proceed. Where a partner is on the planning committee the Project Manager and commercial team must ensure transparency with the fair allocation of presentation slots - No partner will be given un-due presences on the agenda. EVENT - SPONSOR PRESENTATION ALLOCATION UKOUG Applications Journey to Cloud = 2 OUG Ireland = 4 UKOUG Northern Tech SIG = Not applicable UKOUG PeopleSoft Roadshow = Not applicable OUG Scotland = 4 UKOUG EPM & Hyperion = 4 UKOUG License Management = 3 (Clinic sessions) UKOUG

Five Spnsor presentation slots must be allocated on the agenda grid for UKOUG Applications Conference & Exhibition 2017 and UKOUG Technology Conference 2017 Exhibition Ten partner membership speaking slots allocated on the agenda grid for each Conference. This must not exceed two slots per stream and all content must be received prior to agenda planning day Partners cannot exceed eight presentation slots per conference. This is a guideline and can be reviewed with the Conference committee on a case by case basis to ensure a balance across the finalised agenda On completion of agenda planning it is important that the Project Manager sanity checks the agenda in conjunction with the committee, this to ensure partner presentation allocations is relevant to both the agenda balance and the Partner’s engagement level with UKOUG If there are concerns raised over the number of presentations allocated to any one partner it will be discussed with the committee and an agreement reached on the best way to proceed. UKOUG

Where a partner is on the planning committee the Project Manager and commercial team must ensure transparency with the fair allocation of presentation slots - No partner will be given un-due presences on the agenda. UKOUG

12 Partner Guidelines THIRD PARTY PRODUCTS at Oracle Offices
When events are run at Oracle sites two rules must be adhered to: Partner presentations cannot be about third party products that are competitive to Oracle products Partners cannot include media in UKOUG packs that promotes third party products that are competitive to Oracle These rules do not apply when events are run at non-Oracle venues UKOUG

13 Partner Guidelines Partner Content
For content outside of presentations (Oracle Scene, Webinar, Online Marketing) All content submitted to UKOUG should be about products and services complimentary to Oracle UKOUG

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