The Mongols.

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Presentation on theme: "The Mongols."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Mongols

2 Overview Short time of dominance Created largest empire in the world
Influenced cultures from Japan to Europe Made trade safe and cheap throughout empire

3 Background Nomads from Central Asia Lives centered around clan
Livestock food Camels transport Horses mobility Strength in mobility

4 Genghis Khan United clans Enforced total mobilization Great Strategist
All males required to fight Rewarded with plunder from raids Great Strategist Pretend retreat quick about-face attack Master of psychological warfare Led raids to Central Asia, Tibet, China, Persia Attacked Beijing Died in 1227 while on raids Empire divided amongst sons

5 Kublai Khan (Yuan) Grandson Defeated Southern Song
1st foreigner to rule China Created Chinese Dynasty (Yuan) Strong central gov’t Foreigners in gov’t positions Chinese separated from Mongols by law Welcomed foreign trade Route connected Beijing to Vienna (Europe)

6 Hulegu (Ilkhanates) grandson Defeated Abbasid in 1258
Allowed locals to rule Converted to Islam Assimilated (blended) into local culture Facilitated (encouraged) trade

7 Batu (The Golden Horde)
Ruled in Russia Heavy taxes on the poor Trade supported, religions tolerated

8 Pax Mongolica 100 year long peace throughout empire
Safe, cheap trade no tariffs Silk Road at its height 1 currency used

9 Decline Late attempts to expand failed
Japanese typhoons destroyed navy Good conquerors, bad admins short lived empire Bickering among rival successors weakness Empire gone by 1350

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