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2 Planning of the organization
Mission Philosophy Goals Objectives Policies Procedures Rules

3 Nature of Planning Determining in advance objectives to be accomplished and the means by which these objectives are to be attained . - Planning is the first function of management, before organizing, staffing, directing, and controlling) Planning is conceptual, but the results of planning are clearly visible . Nurse manager needs to be familiar with the decision- making process: (identify the philosophy, purpose, policies and procedures of the institution, and prepare budgets to implement the plans with effective time management of the organization.

4 PLANNING PROCESS 1) The Purpose or mission statement:
The purpose is a brief statement identifying the reason that an organization exists (future aim or function) The first priority for planning is clarification of the purpose (influences the development of other functions) Nursing services exist to provide quality nursing care to clients& the other encourage teaching and research. Each specialty with its own specific purposes, contributes to the purpose of the institution.

5 The following is an example of mission statement for hospital X:
Hospital X is a tertiary care facility and provides comprehensive, holistic care to all state residents who seek treatment, the purpose of Hospital X is to combine high quality, holistic health care with the provision of learning opportunities for students in medicine, nursing, and allied health sciences. Research will b encouraged as a means of identifying new treatment regime. and for the promotion of high quality health care for generations to come

6 *The purpose of the in-service education dept is to orient staff to the job
The burn unit exists to manage clients with burns . The relationship among organizational functions should be examined periodically for Consistency.

7 Philosophy (Statement of beliefs and values) direct one’s practice.
Philosophy flows from the purpose. Written & documented clearly, not vague and reviewed periodically. Leader's action in the institution is to interpret the philosophy for workers

8 A philosophy of hospital X's mission statement follows:
Organizational philosophy: The board of directors, medical and nursing staff, and administrators of Hospital X believe that human beings (persons) are unique, due to differing genetic endowments, personal experiences in social, and physical environments, and the ability to adapt to biophysical, psychosocial, and spiritual. Thus, each client is considered to be a unique individual, with unique needs. Identifying outcomes and goals, setting priorities, prescribing strategy, options, and selection an optimal strategy will be negotiated by the client, physician, and health care team

9 - Medical, nursing, & allied health students given learning opportunities.
- Board of directors, medical and nursing staff, and administrators believe that the quality of health care provided directly reflects the quality of the education of it’s future health care providers. - Students are welcome, and encouraged to seek out as many learning opportunities as possible with high quality.

10 The organization philosophy provides the basis for developing nursing philosophies at the unit level and for nursing service as a whole. Nursing service philosophy in conjunction with the organizational philosophy, beliefs about nursing and nursing care, and should draw upon the concepts of holistic care, education, and research.

11 Goals and objectives Goal
Actions for achieving the purpose and philosophy. - The translation "Operationalization” of Philosophy Goal - Aim of the philosophy (desired result) - Global in nature. Specific and clear Measurable and realistic . Change over time. Periodic reevaluation & prioritization.

12 The following are sample goal statements
All nursing staff will develop recognition of patient's need for independence and, right for privacy and will assess patient’s level of readiness to learn in relationship to their illness The nursing staff will provide effective patient care relative to patient needs in hospital and community facilities, including follow up contact . Effort will be made to create an atmosphere conducive to favorable patient and employee morale and which fosters personal growth .

13 * Other sample goal statements:
Performance of all employees in nursing department will be evaluated, in a manner that produces growth in the employee and upgrades nursing standards All nursing units within Hospital X will work cooperatively with other departments within the hospital to further the mission, philosophy and goals of the institution

14 Objective More specific and measurable than goals.
Deals with" how” and “when” the goal is to be accomplished. Motivate individuals to Specific end. Explicitواضح , measurable, observable, and obtainable. Goal usually have multiple objectives.

15 Examples of objectives
(Writing good objective requires time and practice) If one of hospital goals was " All registered nurses will be proficient in the administration of intravenous fluid. " Then objectives for hospital might include the following: All registered nurses will complete hospital course " IV therapy certification at least 70% " within one month of beginning employment Hospital will bear the cost of this program. Registered nurses scoring less than 70 percent on a comprehensive examination in " IV therapy certification " must attend the remedial four hours course

16 Examples of objectives cont…
“Review of basic IV principles " not more than two weeks after the completion of " IV therapy certification” If registered nurses unable to achieve 70% after completing " review of basic IV principles he/ she will not be allowed to perform IV therapy on patients. An individualized plan will be established by unit manager for the employee failed in the examination

17 Policies Policies: ‘broad general statements of expected actions that serve as guides to decision making or to supervising the subordinates actions ”. Means for accomplishing goals and objectives . Direct individual behavior toward the organization’s mission with broad limits. Basis for future decisions and actions, increasing the probability that different managers will make similar decisions when independently facing similar situations.

18 Policies make fairness between personnel and they are treated equally.
Policies: are useless if no one knows of their existence. Oral communication is appropriate way to explain new policies . It is appropriate to send a letter of purpose and a copy of policies to personnel affected by them. Policy formation is a continuous process Examples: annual leave, sick leave, leave without pay.

19 Procedures - Sequence of steps required action .
Intra or inter departments. Not affect entire organization like policy do Procedure manuals provide a reference & basis for evaluation for all personnel. Good procedures increases the quality of the end-product

20 facilitate delegation. Reduce cost.
Procedures.. Cont. Save staff time. facilitate delegation. Reduce cost. Increase productivity and provide a means of control Rules or regulation Generally included as part of policy and procedure statements.

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