TDAQ Phase-II kick-off CERN background information

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1 TDAQ Phase-II kick-off CERN background information
CERN plays a major role in the TDAQ Project and the associated Trigger Activity in many areas including many coordination responsibilities (past,present, and incoming) (TDMT, Trigger Coordinator, DAQ/HLT and Trigger Run Coordinators, hardware installation coordination, etc), as well as direct contributions to the work CERN is strongly involved in TDAQ and Trigger operations and support, and in the trigger menus implementation CERN is responsible for all aspects of the hardware, firmware and associated software for the LVL1 central trigger: CTP, MUCTPI and TTC Associated with the central trigger system are responsibilities for global experiment timing, luminosity measurement and monitoring, integration of special triggers, etc. CERN is strongly involved in HLT, including core software maintenance/ devel. CERN plays a leading role in many areas of the DAQ system including: ROS/RCD configuration and operation; eventbuilder, storage, event-format and control-and-configuration software; and TDAQ networks. CERN maintains the TDAQ test and development labs for the Collaboration, as well as taking care of the infrastructure of SDX1 (cooling, ventilation and electrical). CERN is already involved in various aspects of the upgrade including improvements that were installed during LS1, work on phase-I upgrades, and system architecture design for phase-II.

2 TDAQ Phase-II kick-off CERN Phase-II upgrade plans
CERN intends to play a strong role in the upgrade of the TDAQ System and associated work in the Trigger Activity, building on its experience built up since the formation of ATLAS, while continuing to participate in the operation and maintenance of the current system. we intend to follow the strategy that we have followed up to now for LVL1, focusing exclusively on the central trigger and TTC that interfaces with many other systems We intend to maintain our current strong involvement in the HLT, including core software maintenance and development and trigger menu implementation We intend to build on our current expertise in the DAQ system to play a central role in the upgrade of the system In particular we are interested in: L0 Central Trigger L0CTP MuCTPI L1 Central Trigger L1CTP TTC system (incl. LTI) Event selection software Core software Trigger menus DAQ/Event Filter Detector Readout Dataflow Event Filter (Processing Farm) Infrastructure (racks and cooling)

3 TDAQ Phase-II kick-off CERN Phase-II upgrade plans cont.
Note we would likely not be involved with a ROIE seems more closely coupled to the L0TOPO Note we already completed the Phase-I CTP upgrade and work we are doing for the Phase-I MUCTPI aims to be forwards compatible (or at least forwards ready, implying largely replacing the firmware) for Phase-II In collaboration with NBI and NIKHEF in particular on interface modules This makes the topics listed above very natural choices for our Phase-II involvement

4 TDAQ Phase-II kick-off CERN available effort for Phase-II
Note that addition to the CERN staff/fellow manpower, we often host associates and students from other institutes who work closely with us They are accounted with their home institutes if they are in ATLAS The available effort is estimated as: Note we are still working on the manpower planning, so the numbers shown above are very preliminary and indicative However consistent with realistic projections and take into account the effort needed for operations and Phase-I activities, and the fact that some of the people are working in parallel on other activities including physics studies. Head count FTE-years to 2017 FTE-years to 2025 L0/L1/TTC Engineer 5 0.7 33 Scientist 10 20 HLT - 0.2 DAQ/EF 1 2 12 0.5 49 Scientist= Scientist/student, Engineer=Engineer/Technician in this table

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