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Prepared by: Villanueva, Donita Rose A. BEED-II

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1 Prepared by: Villanueva, Donita Rose A. BEED-II
Neo Behaviorism Prepared by: Villanueva, Donita Rose A. BEED-II

2 Definition of Behaviorism
The theory that human and animal behavior can be explained in terms of conditioning, without appeal to thoughts or feelings, and that psychological disorders are best treated by altering behavior patterns.

3 Neo Behaviorism Neo Behaviorism is a behavior cannot be full understood simply in terms of observable stimuli and reactions. Neo behaviorism introduce mediating variables into the behaviorist stimulus-response scheme.

4 Neo Behaviorism Cognitive Maps Latent Learning Goal-Directedness
Tolman’s Purposive Behaviorism Bandura Social-Learning Theory Goal-Directedness Principles Cognitive Maps Modeling Latent Learning Four conditions For Effective Modeling Intervening Variables

5 Tolman’s Purposive Behaviorism
- it is also been referred to as Sign Learning Theory founded on two psychological views: Gestalt Psychologist John Watson, the behaviorist. Learning is a cognitive process. It involves forming beliefs and obtaining knowledge about the environment and then revealing that knowledge through purposeful and goal-directed theory.

6 Tolman’s form of behaviorism stressed the relationships between stimuli rather than stimulus response. He said that a new stimulus (the sign) becomes associated with already meaningful stimulus (the significance) through a series of pairings ; there is no need for reinforcement in order to establish learning.

7 Tolman’s system was called purposive behaviorism because it studies behavior as it is organized around purposes.

8 Tolman’s Key Concepts

9 Learning is always purposive and goal- directed
Individuals act on beliefs, attitudes, changing conditions, and they strive towards goals. Tolman saw behavior as holistic, purposive, and cognitive.

10 Cognitive map Learning the location of reward. Once an individual has learned where a given kind of reward is located, that location can often be reached by means other than those originally used.

11 Latent Learning A kind of learning that remains or stays with the individual until needed. It is learning that is not outwardly manifested at once. Whenever learning goes on without its being evident in performance at the time.

12 The concept of intervening variable
Variable that are not readily seen but serve as determinants of behavior. Learning is mediated or is influenced by expectations , perceptions, representations, needs and other internal or environmental variables.

13 Reinforcement not essential for learning
Tolman concluded that reinforcement is not essential for learning, although it provides an incentive for performance. In Tolman’s studies he observed that a rat was able to acquire knowledge of the way through a maze i.e., to develop a cognitive map, even in the absence of reinfprcement.


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