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Hunter S Thompson Hunter Stockton Thompson was an American journalist and author, most famous for his novel Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. He is credited.

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Presentation on theme: "Hunter S Thompson Hunter Stockton Thompson was an American journalist and author, most famous for his novel Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. He is credited."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hunter S Thompson Hunter Stockton Thompson was an American journalist and author, most famous for his novel Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. He is credited as the creator of Gonzo journalism, a style of reporting where reporters involve themselves in the action to more..

2 Hunter S Thompson:This is no time for the "leader of the free world" to be falling asleep at massively-popular sporting events. . .Was [Bush] drunk? Does he fear the sight of an uncovered nipple? Was he lying? Does he believe in his heart that there are more evangelical Christians in this country than football fans and sex-crazed yoyos with unstable minds? Is he really as dumb as he looks and acts? These are all unsatisfactory questions at a time like this. #Leaders and Leadership

3 #Writers and Writing

4 #Memory

5 Hunter S Thompson:Now, years later, I still have trouble when I think about Chicago ('68). That week at the Convention changed everything I'd ever taken for granted about this country and my place in it... Everytime I tried to tell somebody what happened in Chicago I began crying , and it took me years to understand why... Chicago was the End of the Sixties, for me. #Cities and City Life

6 #Family

7 It’s all in the music you hear. #Music

8 Hunter S Thompson:The Edge... there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over. #Honesty

9 Hunter S Thompson:When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro. #Football

10 #Voting

11 #Morality

12 Hunter S Thompson:I have spent half my life trying to get away from journalism, but I am still mired in it — a low trade and a habit worse than heroin, a strange seedy world full of misfits and drunkards and failures. #Journalism and Journalists

13 #Knowledge

14 Hunter S Thompson: Going to trial with a lawyer who considers your whole life-style a Crime in Progress is not a happy prospect. #Law and Lawyers

15 Hunter S Thompson:Good people drink good beer. #Alcohol and Alcoholism

16 #Journalism and Journalists

17 #World Affairs

18 Hunter S Thompson:"The third president, Thomas Jefferson, had a vision of America. He believed that this whole new country, this giant unformed continent offered a chance to start again. The premise was very simple. That human beings acting in a sense of enlightened self interest are smart enough to do the right thing and know the truth. America could have been a fantastic monument to all the best instincts of the human race. Instead, we just moved in here and destroyed the place from coast to coast like killer snails. Everybody wants power over a country that's had it's day. I think we're finished." #America

19 Hunter S Thompson:As your attorney i advise you to take a hit out of the small brown bottle in my shaving kit. #Worry

20 Hunter S Thompson:Pray to God, but row away from the rocks. #Prayer

21 #Morality

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