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Defined as: “Learning from People” By Spradley

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1 Defined as: “Learning from People” By Spradley
Ethnography Research Defined as: “Learning from People” By Spradley

2 Four Types of Ethnography
Classical Years in the field, constantly observing and making sense of actions. Includes description and behavior. Attempts to describe everything bout the culture. Systematic Defines the structure of a culture. Interpretive (hermeneutic) To study the culture through inference and analysis looking for “why” behaviors exist. Critical Relies on critical theory. Power differentials, who gains and who loses, what supports the status quo.

3 Historical Roots Early 1900s had several introductions
Herodotus wrote about travel in Persia Malinowski’s Study of Trobriand Islanders Hans Stade wrote about his being in captivity by the wild tribes of Eastern Brazil The School of Sociology in Chicago, where the city was a laboratory from all the immigrants (dancers, muggers, case studies)

4 Fundamental Constructs
Is usually “etic” on the outside like a camera Researcher is the instrument Fieldwork is where the work occurs Focus is on culture Involves cultural immersion There is a tension and reflexivity between the researcher as a member or researcher as researcher

5 Stages of Ethnography Participant observation (gain access, rapport, trust) Descriptive observation (9) (space, actors, activities, objects, act, event, time, goal, and feelings) Ethnographic record (field notes, verbatim, old records, amalgamate the information) Domain analysis Focused observation (what is now critical)

6 Stages in Ethnography-2
Taxonomic analyzing (categorize) Componential analysis (components of the selected areas) Discover cultural themes Take a cultural inventory Write up the ethnography

7 Rigors for Ethnography
Plausibility It is very easy to accept as truth Credibility Not exactly self evident, so you look at sources of evidence Thick Description Writing in such detail as to know exactly what is going on.

8 Sources of Errors Personal reactivity False inferences
Gaps in writing, remembering, and interpreting

9 Observation Methods Emic Etic
From within the research itself as a member or participant of some type. Etic From the outside looking in like a camera. It can be a peripheral issue or external observer member.

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