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The Great European Powers

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1 The Great European Powers
Mr. Lineburg IB World History


3 Germany Democratic monarchy with authoritarian system
Power held by the Kaiser and Chancellor Limited parliament (Reichstag)

4 Germany: Socio-economics
By 1900, the strongest industrial power in Europe Rapid industrialization produced large working class and growing middle-class Tension between these groups and with authoritarian government

5 Germany: Prussian Landowners
Politically dominant Promoted militarism and allegiance to the Kaiser Against reforms designed to move towards liberal democracy

6 Germany: Expansion Population growth & pressure to secure raw materials Congress of Berlin (1884) cooperated in Africa carve up Dilemma: Germany wanted colonies -> World already divided up Cooperate with Britain?

7 France Democratic republic/civil liberties
Agriculture based economy, yet wealthy Large empire; gold reserves; overseas investment

8 France: Politics 'Pacifist' left-wing 'Revanchist' right-wing
Short-lived governments: effected foreign-policy Sought alliance with Russia to contain Germany

9 Britain Parliamentary – democracy w/monarchy (limited powers)
First power to undergo Industrial Revolution Vast overseas empire/largest trader of 19th century

10 Britain - Economic Decline
Losing economic power and trade dominance Overtaken by the US and Germany by 1900 Democracy kept working class discontent at bay

11 Britain - Foreign Policy
19th century – "splendid isolation" By 1900, needed allies for a long-term survival George Eulas Foster, Canadian politician “In these somewhat troublesome days when the great Mother Empire stands splendidly isolated in Europe.”

12 Britain - Military Powerful Navy -> used for defense of nation and sea- based trade Resources over stretched Needed to maintain naval dominance to maintain balance of power in Europe

13 Austria – Hungary Dual monarchy/Two Parliaments/Emperor
Very bureaucratic/inefficient Land-based/slow economic growth

14 Austria – Hungary: National Rivalries
Dual monarchy leads to infighting Nationalism leads to ideas of independence from smaller states Demise of the Ottoman Empire strengthens cause of the Slavs

15 Austria – Hungary: National Rivalries
The Slavs strived for independence from the Ottomans Sought reunification with "brothers" in other empires

16 Austria – Hungary: Policies
Policy of containment in the Balkans Wanted to fill power vacuum left by the Ottoman decline

17 Austria – Hungary: Major Concerns
A multi national European empire in age of naturalism Lack of economic/political/social cohesion BIGGEST Concern: The hostility and aggression of Serbia – Serbs backed by Russia

18 Russia Autocratic Divine monarchy Czar Nicholas II
Bureaucratic/ineffective Rapid industrialization/peasant class

19 Russia: 1905 Revolution Discontent among growing middle-class and urban workers Revolution after defeat by Japan Limited democracy introduced No improvement in working conditions

20 Russia: A Nation in Flux
Weak military Strength lay in huge population resource Encouraged Slav nationalism Yet wanted to help Ottomans... ...For fear of Austria-Hungary expansion

21 Turkey The "sick man" Of Europe – Ottomans in decline
Corrupt/ineffective regime Nationalist/Islamic revolts uncontained

22 Turkey: Near Collapse Exploited by Europe
Foreign debt/political discontent Turk/Slav division Muslim resentment

23 Turkey: The End is Near Sultan overthrown in 1909 by the "Young Turks"
Sought modernization The "Eastern question"

24 In-Class Group Activity
Organize into Groups of 3 or 4 Turn to page 10 in CPEW All members recreate the spreadsheet as shown, obviously larger to hold information Split up the work by specific country or characteristics Using your notes and text, fill out your section of the table. Share out to fill the table

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