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Good Morning 5/24/2018 Starter: What is the energy being used to do during melting or boiling? Keep your starters out I’ll be coming around to check them.

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Presentation on theme: "Good Morning 5/24/2018 Starter: What is the energy being used to do during melting or boiling? Keep your starters out I’ll be coming around to check them."— Presentation transcript:

1 Good Morning 5/24/2018 Starter: What is the energy being used to do during melting or boiling? Keep your starters out I’ll be coming around to check them. Today we will be… Working through the Physical & chemical Changes Lab

2 To access the Lab Report
Open up the “Shortcut to Science Shares” Then open the “Durand” Folder “PhySci B” Folder Matter & Saftey Folder The word doc titled “Phys&ChemChangesLab” This doc has your instructions and you will type in your answers and save it when you are done. There will be instructions on how to save at the bottom of the word doc.

3 Saving your document for credit
Click “Save as” under the file menu it will automatically try to save it in the “PhySci B folder, you must select your class folder) Save it in the following format Last Name_FirstInitial_Changes Lab Example: Durand_M_Changes Lab. Then repeat this for each of your Lab partners or have them type it in.

4 Please read the lab through very carefully and follow the instructions.
Once everyone is done we will go over the answers.

5 Preparation Send two people up to the center desk. One will need to hold the test tubes while the other scoops the materials into the test tube. Red crystals – 2 of the small scoops Orange crystals – 2 of the small scoops White crystals – 1 of the small scoops

6 Clean up White Crystals – clean out as much as possible onto a paper towel and throw it away, then clean it out with water from the squeeze bottle and wash it down the drain. HCl & Zinc – pour into the waste beaker on the center table labeled for the HCl & Zinc. Red Crystals – pour into the waste beaker on the center table labeled “Red Crystals & Water” Shaving Cream – throw away the paper towel and wash off the stirring rod. Orange crystals – pour down the drain and wash out thoroughly.

7 White Crystals Observations:
The combination turned into a clear gelatin like substance. Seeming to absorb the water. Physical or Chemical Change? Physical How do you know? no gas (like O2 or H2) was given off, which indicates that the water is still water

8 HCl & Zinc Observations:
Gas bubbles were released and the metal disappeared. Physical or Chemical Change? Chemical How do you know? A gas was given off, which tells us that something broke down. Did you waft the gas? Did it smell like a swimming pool? If not what does that mean what do you think the gas could be?

9 Red Crystals Observations:
The crystals appeared to repel the water, and made a little globule (clumped together) when the test tube was slanted the crystals “broke through” to the surface. Physical or Chemical Change? Physical How do you know? There was no interaction they didn’t even mix!

10 Shaving Cream Observations:
The substance turned white, became foamy and it got much larger. Physical or Chemical Change? Physical How do you know? This one is tricky because it looks totally different, but all we did was mix in the air. There was no gas released and no heat given off.

11 Orange Crystals Observations:
When the water was added the crystals disappeared and the liquid became a fluorescent yellow color. Physical or Chemical Change? Physical How do you know? no gas (like O2 or H2) was given off, which indicates that the water is still water.

12 Good Day 5/24/2018 Starter: How do you tell the difference between a colloid and a solution? Today we will finish going through the lab explanation and discuss a few more things.

13 Mysteries Revealed White Crystals – water absorbing particles from a diaper HCl & Zinc – it is what it is no mystery Red Crystals – Mystic Sand which is simply white sand coated with a “hydrophobic” (water fearing) chemical Shaving Cream – no mystery, but it is a colloid. Orange crystals – salt with food coloring, this was a solution. Now that you know please don’t tell everyone else.

14 You created a few mixtures, how would you tell if they were colloids, solutions or suspensions?

15 Colloids Milk is an example of a specific kind of mixture called a colloid. A colloid (KAH loyd) is a type of mixture with particles that are larger than those in solutions but not heavy enough to settle out.

16 Suspensions Some mixtures are neither solutions nor colloids. One example is muddy pond water. Pond water is a suspension, which is a heterogeneous mixture containing a liquid in which visible particles settle.

17 Solutions A Solution neither scatters light or can be made more clear by filtering.

18 Detecting Colloids One way to distinguish a colloid from a solution is by its appearance. Fog appears white because its particles are large enough to scatter light. You can tell for certain if a liquid is a colloid by passing a beam of light through it.

19 Detecting Colloids A light beam is invisible as it passes through a solution, but can be seen readily as it passes through a colloid. This occurs because the particles in the colloid are large enough to scatter light, but those in the solution are not. This scattering of light by colloidal particles is called the Tyndall effect.

20 The table summarizes the properties of different types of mixtures
The table summarizes the properties of different types of mixtures. Please write this into your notes.

21 The videos Understanding Fire

22 A Quiz Link

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