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Physical Science SPEEDY Midterm Review

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1 Physical Science SPEEDY Midterm Review

2 How this works … Each of you has a set of index cards marked A, B, C and D. For each question, hold up the card for the correct response. Once everyone holds up their cards, the answer will be indicated so that you can check your response.

3 Most scientific questions are developed from
A. research. B. observations. C. investigation. D. forming a hypothesis.

4 Which type of graph best shows data that are parts of a whole?
A. bar graph B. pie chart C. line graph D. All of the above

5 A material that can be represented by a chemical formula is
A. an element. B. a homogeneous solution. C. a mixture. D. a pure substance.

6 The smallest unit of an element that maintains the properties of that element is a(n)
A. molecule. B. substance. C. atom. D. compound.

7 A chemical property of copper is its
A. density. B. color. C. reactivity. D. melting point.

8 How can a chemical change be reversed?
A. by chemical changes (EX: reactions) B. by physical changes (EX: temp change) C. by both chemical and physical changes. D. None of the above

9 Matter is defined as anything that
A. can be seen and touched. B. can be weighed. C. has mass and takes up space. D. contains kinetic energy.

10 Which property of a substance is not affected by physical changes?
A. reactivity B. shape C. size D. mass

11 Temperature is a measure of the average _____ energy of the particles in the object.
A. thermal B. potential C. kinetic D. chemical

12 Which state of matter will hold its shape without a container?
A. solid B. gas C. liquid D. plasma

13 Which state of matter does not have a definite shape or volume?
A. solid B. gas C. liquid

14 What determines the speed of the atoms and molecules of a particular substance?
A. size of the atoms and molecules B. temperature of the substance C. Both (a) and (b) D. None of the above

15 The law of conservation of mass states that mass cannot be
A. burned. B. created or destroyed. C. changed in form. D. heated or cooled.

16 Ice floats in water because it is
A. more dense than water. B. colder than water. C. less dense than water. D. warmer than water.

17 All matter is made of atoms and molecules that are
A. always fixed in position. B. moving in the same direction. C. always in motion. D. moving slowly.

18 At this temperature, all particle motion ceases.
A. This is impossible B. absolute zero. C. freezing point. D. 0°C.

19 The process of a solid changing directly into a gas is called
A. condensation. B. freezing. C. evaporation. D. sublimation.

20 The process of a liquid changing to a gas (on the liquid’s surface only) is called
A. condensation. B. boiling. C. evaporation. D. sublimation.

21 This process causes liquid water to accumulate on the inside of a cold window in the wintertime.
A. condensation. B. freezing. C. evaporation. D. sublimation.

22 When solid ice melts to form liquid water, kinetic energy is ___________ while temperature is _________________ A. created; increased. B. released, constant C. destroyed, increased D. increased; constant.

23 The process of a liquid becoming a gas is called
A. sublimation. B. vaporization. C. condensation. D. freezing.

24 When a liquid becomes a gas from both the inside and surface of the sample, this process is called …
A. boiling. B. freezing. C. condensation. D. evaporation.

25 Dalton’s atomic theory was accepted because
A. there was evidence to support it. B. Democritus said that it was correct. C. Dalton invented the electron microscope. D. Dalton showed how molecules are formed.

26 Atoms have no charge because they
A. have an equal number of charged and non-charged particles. B. have neutrons in their nuclei. C. have an equal number of electrons and protons. D. have an equal number of neutrons and protons.

27 Valence electrons determine an atom’s
A. mass. B. electric charge. C. chemical properties. D. period.

28 Which of these statements is not part of Dalton’s atomic theory?
A. Atoms cannot be divided. B. Atoms of an element are alike. C. Atoms are made of electrons. D. Atoms of different elements form compounds.

29 After Moseley’s revision, the order of elements in the modern periodic table is based on
A. atomic number B. the electric charge of the nucleus. C. the number of neutrons in the nucleus. D. atomic mass.

30 Carbon and other non-metals are found in which area of the periodic table?
A. on the left-most side B. on the right side C. in the middle column of the periodic table D. in the bottom rows

31 As you move from left to right across the periodic table, elements become (have a)
A. become less metallic. B. have a lower atomic weight. C. have a lower atomic number. D. become more metallic.

32 What is Mendeleev is known for?
A. creating today’s atomic model B. publishing the first periodic table C. discovering protons D. discovering Mendelevium

33 Each column of the periodic table is
A. an element. B. an isotope. C. a group. D. a period.

34 Which group is this? A. Alkali metals B. Alkaline earth metals.
C. Halogens . D. Noble Gases.

35 Which group is this? A. Alkali metals B. Alkaline earth metals.
C. Halogens . D. Noble Gases.

36 Which group is this? A. Alkali metals B. Alkaline earth metals.
C. Halogens . D. Noble Gases.

37 The three main groups of elements are metals, nonmetals, and
A. inert gases. B. radioactive isotopes. C. alkali metals. D. metalloids.

38 Aluminum is a ______________
A. metal B. non-metal C. metalloid D. compound

39 Chlorine is a ______________
A. metal B. non-metal C. metalloid D. compound

40 Strontium is a ______________
A. metal B. non-metal C. metalloid D. compound

41 Silicon is a ______________
A. metal B. non-metal C. metalloid D. compound

42 Hydrogen is a ______________
A. metal B. non-metal C. metalloid D. compound

43 A substance that is dull and brittle is most likely a ….
A. metal B. non-metal C. metalloid D. compound

44 If an element is a shiny silver solid, it is most likely a …
A. metal B. non-metal C. metalloid D. compound

45 If the element borders the “stair-step” on the Periodic Table, it is most likely a ….
A. metal B. non-metal C. metalloid D. compound

46 What is the location of elements in the periodic table related to?
A. color B. atomic weight C. number of neutrons D. atomic number and valence electrons

47 Atoms that have gained or lost electrons are called
A. metals. B. ions. C. nonmetals. D. isotopes.

48 Elements that have one valence electron tend to
A. be highly reactive. B. become charged. C. form ions. D. All of the above

49 In which type of bond will an non-metal atom share electrons with another non-metal atom?
A. covalent bonds B. ionic bonds C. metallic bonds D. polyatomic bonds

50 Which type of bond would form between many atoms of iron?
A. covalent bonds B. ionic bonds C. metallic bonds D. polyatomic bonds

51 In this type of bond, a metal will bond with a non-metal.
A. covalent bonds B. ionic bonds C. metallic bonds D. polyatomic bonds

52 This type of bond results in substances which are solid and have high melting points
A. covalent bonds B. ionic bonds C. metallic bonds D. polyatomic bonds

53 A carbon atom can bond to four other atoms because it has
A. four different cations. B. two inner energy levels. C. four valence electrons. D. no protons in its nucleus.

54 There are strong bonds between the atoms in a piece of quartz
There are strong bonds between the atoms in a piece of quartz. These bonds give quartz a A. low melting point. B. low molecular mass. C. high melting point. D. high molecular mass.

55 In which substance do the molecules have the strongest attractions to one another?
A. sugar, a solid B. sulfuric acid, a liquid C. hydrogen, a gas D. water, a liquid

56 A release of energy as light is a sign that
A. a chemical change is taking place. B. oxygen is present. C. a physical change has just occurred. D. organic chemicals are present.

57 A type of reaction that produces a release of energy is
A. endothermic. B. covalent. C. exothermic. D. nonpolar.

58 A base forms which ions in solution?
A. oxygen B. hydronium C. hydroxide D. hydrogen

59 The label on a bottle indicates that the substance inside has a pH of 13. This tells you that the substance is A. neutral. B. mildly basic. C. strongly acidic. D. strongly basic.

60 This substance will turn litmus paper red, and conduct electricity
A. neutral. B. acidic C. basic. D. distilled water.

61 This substance will feel slippery and taste bitter
A. neutral. B. acidic C. basic. D. distilled water.

62 A neutralization reaction …
A. is where table salt comes from. B. is where the acid’s H+ combines with the base’s OH- to form water C. always results in the formation of CO2 and H2O. D. is how scientists create distilled water.

63 A neutralization reaction …
A. results in a decrease in pH B. is exothermic C. centralizes the alkalinity. D. forms a salt and water every time.

64 If HCl reacts with KOH … A. HCl is the base and KOH is the acid
B. HCl is the acid and KOH is the base C. HCl and KOH will form as products D. Nothing will occur.

65 If HCl reacts with KOH … A. H2O and CO2 will form as products
B. H2O and NaCl will form as products C. HCl and KOH will form as products D. H2O and KCl will form as products

66 Which statement about bases is incorrect?
A. turn red litmus paper blue B. taste bitter C. contain hydronium ions D. feel slippery

67 Which of the following pH values would indicate a strong acid?
B. 6 C. 7 D. 11

68 Which of the following pH values would indicate that a substance might be distilled water?

69 Which of the following pH values would indicate a weak base?

70 Which is the strongest electrolyte?
A. a weak base B. a neutral solution C. a strong acid D. a weak acid

71 Acid rain forms when A. excess mercury causes fish kills
B. too much fertilizer is used C. it rains on top of a glacier D. SO2 and NOx enter the atmosphere

72 Acid rain is caused by A. burning of fossil fuels B. nuclear waste
C. global warming D. holes in the ozone layer

73 A natural source of acid rain is
A. deforestation B. volcanic eruption C. coal burning power plants D. earthquakes

74 Good Luck on your Exams!

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