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Focus 9/6 Throughout world history there have been several major turning points that have changed the way people live all around the globe. These turning.

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Presentation on theme: "Focus 9/6 Throughout world history there have been several major turning points that have changed the way people live all around the globe. These turning."— Presentation transcript:

1 Focus 9/6 Throughout world history there have been several major turning points that have changed the way people live all around the globe. These turning points are known as macro-changes. In the modern world the wide use of social media has created a macro-change and the world will never be the same. Pont for Discussion – Explain one major turning point from Global I. Critical Lens – Social media has changed the way we act towards one another. Term to Know – macro-change

2 Major Turning Points in World History Before 1800
Neolithic Revolution Fall of Rome Crusades Renaissance Printing Press Protestant Revolution Colombian Exchange Enlightenment

3 Turning Points Neolithic Revolution – start of farming, domestication of animals, start of small villages along rivers

4 Turning Points Fall of Rome – political, social, economic and military factors IMPACT = Europe is thrown into Dark Ages (Middle Ages/Medieval Period)

5 Turning Points Crusades – Pope Urban declares Crusades at Council of Clermont, Series of Holy Wars fought between European Christians and Muslims IMPACT = Europeans are brought out of isolation and trade revives. Greek and Roman ideas flow back into Europe

6 Turning Points Renaissance – starts in Italy, Europeans have a new interest in antiquity, humanism develops, life begins to be centered on the individual, people slowly start to question traditional ways of thinking, advances in art, education, and science

7 Turning Points Printing Press – developed by Johan Gutenberg, books are printed faster and cheaper, more people have access to books, education increases

8 Turning Points Protestant Reformation – started by Martin Luther, Martin Luther writes 95 Thesis challenging Catholic Church, people begin to question Catholic Church and authority of the Pope, Christians split between Protestants and Catholics, new Denominations develop, end of religious unity in Europe.

9 Turning Points Columbian Exchange – starts when Columbus lands in “New” World, global exchange of people, ideas, food, and disease, leads to multiculturalism

10 Turning Points Enlightenment – influenced by Scientific Method, educated people begin to question society and government in an attempt to improve peoples’ lives. Key people include: John Locke, Voltaire, Montesquieu, Adam Smith. This new way of thinking leads to revolutions around the world and development of Enlightened Despots.

11 Closure In at least two paragraphs, describe the turning point you believe to be the most important to the development of the modern world and convince me to agree with your choice.

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