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Evernote as a research management tool 17th June 2017*

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1 Evernote as a research management tool 17th June 2017*
by Elizabeth Charles * Additional content added

2 This talk will cover the following:
Getting Evernote - Organizing your research into notebooks (stacks) and notes, then adding content, tags, reminders, How to clip articles online (having downloaded web clipper) Capture images and scan documents Annotate images and PDFs Record key interviews and key conversation Share notes/notebooks with other researchers Having downloaded Evernote – this will cover: Organising your research: into notebooks, stacks, creating notes, adding content (variety of ways: handwritten, typed notes) attaching readings, pdfs and handouts to notes, tags and reminders How to use the Evernote web clipper Capture images and scan docs and how to annotate these Record interviews Share notes/notebooks with other colleagues

3 Get Before you start you will need to set up an account (cloud) or download the app onto your PC / mobile device - they can be synchronised. Go to : Evernote  /  Quick overview of your account Setting up an account is easy – just go to the link given For a quick overview of your account once you have set it up, click on the icon in the above example it is a letter ‘C’ then click on Settings. You will see: Evernote username, address, what plan you are on and how much space for downloading you have for that month, personal preferences as you can link to your social media FB, twitter.

4 Evernote on the web Box 1 on the left-hand side icons from top to bottom are: New note – open a new note New meeting note Search – search all of your notes Work chat - to chat with those you’ve share your notes or notebooks with Shortcuts Notes – this has been selected [see the circle around the icon] and the yellow arrow ( #2) shows you that is what you are looking at most recent notes listed – with the most recent displayed in the right-hand side. Notebooks - If Notebook had been selected the pane would be entitled Notebooks and you would see a list of your notebooks with the most recent additions displayed in the panel to the right. Tips and Tags (normally displayed Tags and then Tips) C (for Charles) to access your account Box 3 from left to right Set reminder Add shortcut Note info – information about your note Delete note Copylink – to get the URL to share this note with others Box 4 from left to right Tags attached to this note, written style, notes, handouts, + sign if you want to add new /additional tags Box 5 Share – the drop down options are: Send Note FB Twitter LinkedIn Links Box 6 The current location of this note - in notebook ‘test of images and scans’ Clicking on the dropdown will open up pane and you can see all of your notebooks and select where you want to move this note to.

5 Evernote for Windows https://help. evernote
Familiarising yourself with the layout using Windows Toolbar, note list, left panel, note panel, editing tool bar and the icons and what they represent

6 Toolbar New Note – create a new note in the current notebook
All notes – show all notes from all notebooks Sync – force a sync with your Evernote account Shortcuts – access notes/notebooks/tags

7 Left Panel Notebooks – show all notes in the note list
Default Notebook – indicates the default notebook Tags – show all notes with tags in the note list Trash – view notes in the trash

8 Note list Change view/sort – toggle between snippet view/card view/top list or side list. You can also change the sort order of your ntoes Search notes – search your notes for keyword, locations, tags and more – also searches content of your notes Reminder Settings – change the settings/sort order of your reminders

9 Editing tool bar Reminder – set a reminder for this note
Info – view information about this note Attachments – attach a file to this note from your computer Audio – initiate an audio recording

10 Evernote for Mac https://help. evernote
Familiarising yourself with the layout using Mac Note list, navigation menu, note view, Evernote tool bar and the icons and what they represent

11 Navigation Menu Notes – View a lost of all the notes in your account
Notebooks – View a list of all the notebooks in your account Tags – View a list of all the tags in your account Atlas- view a list of al the places where you created notes

12 Evernote tool bar Account Info – tap on the silhouette to view your account information Sync – manually sync your Evernote account Notification – display recent account activity New note button – create a new note in the selected notebook New chat – Discuss notes and notebooks you’ve share with others Search field – Use keywords, locations, and tags to search for notes

13 Note list All notes – Displays all the notes in your account as a list
My Notebook – The name of the selected notebook appears above the note list Tag – add and edit tags associated with a note Work chat – share all notes in the selected notebook via or work chat . The ‘Can edit and invite’ permissions has to have been selected View Options – change the way notes are displayed or sorted

14 Note view Notebook – the name of the notebook where the selected note is saved Tag – view and edit tags associated with the selected note Reminder – set an alarm to notify you when you need do something related to the note or to-do items in a list Present – automatically format the selected note as full width presentation Info – view details about a note Delete – delete the selected note

15 Organize your notes Structure will help with filing and finding and keep you in control Create notes of seminar or lecture topics straight into Evernote as well as adding handouts, etc., to these Create Notebooks to collate relevant notes, articles and papers together on a particular topic/essay title/chapter heading/ etc., Giving structure will help with filing and finding and keep you in control To stay organized, start by creating a notebook structure to keep similar notes together. Notebooks within notebooks: you could have a notebook for each chapter/ concept/ topic /strand you are going to be researching and within these individual notes You can bring together relevant notebooks at a later date by creating notebook stack However you choose to organise your notes and notebooks – make it work for you!

16 Make the structure work for you…
This is how I would organise my note books and notes – but your structure depends on your way of working. There is no one right way of doing this, ensure you are consistent in how you arrange your notes and notebooks and it will work for you. When you create your notes, remember to add relevant keyword tags. Use the set a reminder to keep you on track with your time management, you can add a follow-up reminder as you complete each stage of your research if necessary.

17 Clip articles from online journals and web pages
Save entire web pages, into Evernote using Evernote Web Clipper [ Useful when find relevant online resources. Save your own copy. You can organize and search all the pages you’ve clipped alongside your other research notes. Download Evernote web clipper as an extension for Chrome Watch video of how to use it: Having downloaded and added the Chrome extension have a look at the video at:

18 Capture images and scan documents
Take photos of white boards, flipcharts, museum artefacts, reference materials - whatever inspires you or you need to retain. [Icon on mobile device is a camera] Scan pages of handwritten notes, old manuscripts or journals that you can review and annotate later. Evernote knows if the device being used has a camera, if it does then option becomes available. When you take your photo of a whiteboard or a page of a document you are prompted to indicate what type of document it is, business card, written text, text, image, etc These are saved as notes in your selected Notebook and you can move them around. Do not forget to add keyword tags to these.

19 Annotate images and PDFs
The icon to annotate is as below. The a = to annotate or the eye icon to see in picture mode when using Evernote on your desktop. Any images /photos /scanned documents/PDFs can be annotated once in Evernote. Use annotations to highlight parts of the documents with annotations that will prompt you to think or indicate why this is relevant.

20 Record interview or make audio notes
If your device has a mic or recorder then this can be used to make audio recordings that can be saved in your Evernote account. They can be added to notes and can be tagged to make retrieval easier Evernote has a built-in recorder Evernote has a built-in recorder . Do not forget to add keyword tags to these

21 Share notes and notebooks
Different ways to share notes: Use iMessage Copy and paste a public link (URL) to a note Use Work Chat a note There are a variety of ways to share your notes – see from slides 4 to 14.

22 Credits
Screenshots of the different interface layout from: Source of screenshots

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