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Infancy & Childhood Development

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1 Infancy & Childhood Development
Stage 2 of Development Infancy & Childhood Development

2 Cognitive (Mental) Development
Jean Piaget’s Stage Model Sensorimotor stage – (birth – 2 years) sensorimotor = sensation (collecting info. from environment) + motor (movement) goal = to master senses and gain ability to move object permanence – understanding that an object always exists even when out of sight child has to work to understand that a toy under a blanket still exists games like peek-a-boo and where is it help to teach object permanence infants must learn to control their senses and understand the physical world separation anxiety – child dislikes being separated from parent

3 Writing Prompt What is the connection between object permanence and separation anxiety?

4 Cognitive (Mental) Development
Jean Piaget’s Stage Model cont’d Preoperational stage – (2-7 years) child refines skills from stage one object permanence fully understood goal = acquire language and communication skills work on proper speech, writing, and math skills developing concepts of reversibility and conservation reversibility – relationship between objects can go two ways a girl with an older brother can identify that he is her brother, but struggles to name who his sister is

5 Cognitive (Mental) Development
Jean Piaget’s Stage Model cont’d preoperational stage – (2-7 years) cont’d developing concepts of reversibility and conservation cont’d conservation – some properties of an object can change, but the nature of the object remains the same four quarters is better than one dollar because 4 is better than 1 despite watching you pour the soda from a can, a child would say that there is more soda in a cup, if the cup is taller the can, than was originally in the can egocentric – can only see the world from their point-of-view me, myself, I, mine, etc “I was playing with that!” lack logic skills and have limited reasoning skills can’t have a rational conversation with a child

6 Moral Development Lawrence Kohlberg’s Model
Preconventional level – (6 years & under) outside figure(s) establishes standards of right and wrong parents, teachers, TV!! “My mom lets me do that.” So it must be OK. child reacts to reward/punishment system (conditioning) telling the truth gets you rewarded, and lying gets you punished truth = good, lying = bad

7 Writing Prompts How does Piaget’s cognitive development relate to Kohlberg’s moral development? If children are in capable of determining whether something is right or wrong, is it fair to punish them?

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